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Primary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Secondary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Squares Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles

Different art styles

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Some of the recent posts here have sort of inspired me to share some of my older works here, stuff that can somewhat relate to what has recently been shared here by Epic Score and Deus Ex. Hopefully it will also inspire you guys to try and make more art since you both have approached a particular avenue of art I really like.


First, for Epic Score. I want to share my one of only two jabs at pointillism.


I was excited when I was introduced to this format of rendering as a kid and was very excited to give it a shot when my professor in college had us make a drawing using pointillism... Alas I only did two works with it as I caved back into what I was more comfortable with. I still do however admire the images pointillism can make. It is known as one of the easiest methods of rendering a drawing and when mastered will allow you to make a very visually appealing image with a very high degree of detail in a particularly stylized format. However its drawback is that it is also one of the most tedious and time consuming methods of rendering. What I am showing here is barely a good example of the glories and wonders of pointillism. A simple search in the internet will show you a myriad of great examples of this in both colored and black and white formats. I can only hope you plan to continue practicing pointillism as only a few people actually stay long with it.


Now for Deus Ex. Yes, drawing a mass of figures is challenging and tedious but it is also fun if you are not lazy to work it out. You've also taken the challenge of giving identity to every figure in the scene, quite difficult to do. While what I'm about to share here doesn't give as much individuality to every figure in the scene I do hope they at least entertain you in some way :D 



Obvious Warhammer inspired for those familiar with the Warhammer 40k world. Everything was about Warhammer for me back then.



This was my imagery of an event in one of those make believe RPG games I cooked up with my friends back in high school.



A finals project in college where we were to incorporate our initials into the work. Letras Y Figuras is what my professor called it. Went with the Sistine Chapel Last Judgement motif on this thing... and sheep.





    Russet Potato

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Damn that's pretty amazing Tertiusvidius

I caught the flu and can't draw for a while (was working on this before I got sick, but it'll probably be done here. Won't be going back to it.)


Guest_Deus Ex_von_Kartoffel

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Great Tertiusvidius. That's some really good stuff there. 


Here is one of my newer draws. I always like to give details when drawing hair and beards. 




Small village. I rarely draw this kind of stuff, but it's quite fun when i do.





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I wanna know if you digital artists use a tablet to work on your art? or a computer and mouse?



    Russet Potato

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I wanna know if you digital artists use a tablet to work on your art? or a computer and mouse?




I have an old Wacom Bamboo Fun that I got my senior year of high school (have always been wanting to upgrade to a Cintiq though.)



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ahhh ok thanks~


i wanted to gain more skills in digital art, just wondering where to start 




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Definitely can see your effort with the hair there Deus ex.





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Okay, IDK if I've already linked this here yet or not:




This was something I never finished for Digital Art in highschool last year. No, I'm not an artist, amd I'm amazed I could even get that far.

I don't even know the first thing about shadows or colour x.x

Tablets are so fun to use thoughhhh


If I had money, I'd buy one and start practicing every day ):



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The main character of the game I'm working on:




(I forgot to mention that this is actually a character that will appear in one of my other games. The one I'm currently working on at the moment doesn't include her. I had to move her episode further up the series because I wanted to start with a more simple idea that requires less maps and paths for my first game. The episode she's in is extremely social, so I wanted to get the hang of writing characters and choices/paths first so I don't completely screw up everything in her episode.)

But, for the game I am working on now, these are the possible city scapes in the main character's apartment room:

54c2a7a80f1b1.png #1


54c2a93104833.png #2


Which one do you guys think I should use? I don't want it to be too flashy, as I think that may clash a bit with the unsettling mood of the game I'm trying to go for... But I also think the original (#2) is a bit too plain.

Edited by Hummingmoon, 23 January 2015 - 08:08 PM.




    Equine non grata

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Which one do you guys think I should use? I don't want it to be too flashy, as I think that may clash a bit with the unsettling mood of the game I'm trying to go for... But I also think the original (#2) is a bit too plain.

#1 is pretty warm. Also gives that 'polluted area' vibe. #2 looks clearer. At second glance it has less depth.

 "Draw the best drawing you can in 20 seconds" challenge thingy:

Miniature christmas tree .-.




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    Fingerling Potato

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#1 is pretty warm. Also gives that 'polluted area' vibe. #2 looks clearer. At second glance it has less depth.

 "Draw the best drawing you can in 20 seconds" challenge thingy:


Miniature christmas tree .-.

Agree with you on that. Also, I'm gonna try the 20 second thing tooooo. Tomorrow ofc



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#1 is pretty warm. Also gives that 'polluted area' vibe. #2 looks clearer. At second glance it has less depth.

 "Draw the best drawing you can in 20 seconds" challenge thingy:


Miniature christmas tree .-.

So you think I should use #1?

Also, tried the 20 second thing:


Dango~ Dango~




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Time used for head: ~20min
Time used for everything else: ~10min

Every single time. I finish the one thing I planned out in my head and then I just jumble the rest together...


Yan Q

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You always were better with fantastical things like this, Rob.

Have you tried doing a more recent ver of that girl with the freckles? Maybe you'll conquer the eyes this time.

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So you think I should use #1?

Well, I think that you know best what mood exactly you want the game to have. If it's some psychological horror, then the first one would give off a feel of "there are many people out there who could help me", whereas the second one might add to the chilly mood (there are many lights out there, but they seem more distant and less friendly). Maybe play with the idea of the background changing depending on game progress? The city slowly getting less or more inviting? Maybe make the second one combined with some rain animation if that fits the story? The "polluted area" feel might come both from smog and from the amount of lights everywhere brightening stuff.
Also, will it be enlarged or is it exactly the size in which it'll be seen? Sky on #1 looks worse than #2 when zoomed.




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    Fingerling Potato

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Well, I think that you know best what mood exactly you want the game to have. If it's some psychological horror, then the first one would give off a feel of "there are many people out there who could help me", whereas the second one might add to the chilly mood (there are many lights out there, but they seem more distant and less friendly). Maybe play with the idea of the background changing depending on game progress? The city slowly getting less or more inviting? Maybe make the second one combined with some rain animation if that fits the story? The "polluted area" feel might come both from smog and from the amount of lights everywhere brightening stuff.
Also, will it be enlarged or is it exactly the size in which it'll be seen? Sky on #1 looks worse than #2 when zoomed.

That's actually a really good idea, making the city look less inviting as time goes by. It would definitely require more work, but I think it'd be worth it as it would further transform what once felt like an okay home into a much less friendly place. I think it'd make the player feel a bit more alone, too. So long as the changes are subtle enough throughout time for them to have to compare the beginning to the end to see the difference. Which I'm not sure I'd be able to accomplish as it may be a short game, but I'll definitely play around a bit with that. Thanks. :)

Unless the player puts the game into full screen mode, the size will probably be the same in-game as it is here. But even when the player puts the screen into full-screen mode, it won't be too enlarged... Probably. I haven't gotten a chance to test the full screen version of the game yet as someone else has the laptop with the game at the moment. But yeah, I know #1 looks really bad when zoomed in. I couldn't have made it look any better though without damaging the polluted look of it when seen from far away.  Pixel art is sort of like pointilism when you're working with a limited size. I also couldn't make it look too detailed too fit in with the rest of the graphics, or else it would stand out too much and break the feel of the game.




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The only two characters you will see throughout the game I'm working on (when not including background characters and characters I can't show because spoilers):







Best Friend (yes that's what she's called in the game):



Though pretty much all the conversation between these two will happen over the phone and through texting... So I'm not even sure if you'll get to see best friend's face much. May only have Aideen's mug to look at the whole time.  :P

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Yan Q

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I agree. Love Aideen's hair.
I don't understand how you make pixels look so fluffy

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    Fingerling Potato

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I agree. Love Aideen's hair.
I don't understand how you make pixels look so fluffy

Oh thanks. :D

As for fluffy pixels? I make my lines extremely thin to the point where they're barely there and have a lot of breakage. While using a light, sort of pastel looking color helps a lot... the main thing I try to do is shade sparcly and as subtly as possible.  The pattern I used for her hair was meant to look fluffy as well, so that helps. Another thing that may help is making her hair look as "free" and "flowy" as you can, if that makes any sense.

... Sorry. I'm not very good at explaining how I do things. Mainly because I don't really understand myself how I'm doing it while it's happening. ;^^ I was just sort of writing whatever came to mind, so I hope my advice isn't too all over the place and actually helps.

Edited by Hummingmoon, 01 February 2015 - 04:19 PM.




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Drew for my friend's birthday tomorrow.
