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Will the story Follow the oneshot?

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    Potato Sprout

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Hey guys I read through the actual manga first before reading the oneshot and after I got to the current last chapter I decided to go see the onshot.
I hate NTR like scenes and I was anticipating that the male actor in the manga will steal a kiss or something of a sort from Sana and I hate that stuff.
So I decided to go check the onshot.....

1)Do you guys think the story will follow the oneshot (maybe adding more events and characters here and there) in it's general storyline?
Like how her first kiss is Shouta and how Shouta saves her from being kissed by the faggot male actor and how Shouta ends up taking over the roll(Thus making sure he is the only one for her)

2)Thank God that the oneshot worked things well and when Sana says she would still film the kiss with the male actor do you guys think she really did it?
I mean, it's kinda said with how they ended it at Shouta getting the role but I mean.....They didn't show the stuff in between their kiss and when he got the roll and that got me worried....What do you guys think? Do you have reasons to back what you think?
All helpfil answers and thoughts would be appreciated!

P.S. I hope this manga doesn't end up like another one of those mangas that use NTR to their advantage by leaving you off with uneasy feelings for months just to prolong the story. I hope this is a manga that can continue without the need for this but instead with fantasic art and a marvelous storyline. Do you guys know what I mean?

Edited by gene098, 11 July 2012 - 10:15 PM.