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Let's guess the plot story!

Alien Plot Ansatsu Kyoushitsu Earth Invasion

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Sociopath Espher

Sociopath Espher

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Well, the flashback showed him in a somewhat human form (kinda looked like another teacher from a certain manga), he was asked to teach by some woman. Given this he possibly had the power to change form at some point. So I say, he was an alien who crashed landed and was found by the teacher who happened to be some great scientist. He managed to return to full health and went berserk. He felt guilty so decided to listen to her last request and ended up believing human deserved to live. The scientist may have been the mother of one of the students. There may be a military intervention in place of the berserk part.

We can negate this since he admitted that he's a artificial life form in the recent chapter .... (which is either a Artificial life created from experiments ... Or he was turn into this form through something ( which mean he was a HUMAN) )

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    Potato Spud

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My two cents though, he was 'once a human', but turns into that 'alien' thing because of some experiments.


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Before, Koro sensei is a human!  :batoto_009:  .   .   . and why does he become a octopus..  :batoto_027:   . How? i can't understand.

A girl was died and now, He has to keep a promise with her. Why was she died?


Now, Nagisa Shiota's skill is really mystery   :batoto_019:  .....



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The plot might look a bit crazy, the way it takes a feelgood story of a perfect teacher and sticks the whole assasination theme on top of it. But I think it makes more sense if you think of class E and their situation as a metaphore for everything that is wrong with japanese schools, and japanese society in general: A system that demands way too much obedience and conformity, and might resort to abusive/oppressive means to get it. Koro-sensei is the perfect teacher who can protect these outcast students from all the bad things about society. In order to do that he needs to be superman. And superman is always a threat to society (any society). So society must kill him. As a teacher, his duty is to prepare his students for life in society. So it's only logical for him to teach them to kill him.
Starting from that, where is the story going?
First it looks like it's getting uglier. The system is getting more violent, and Koro-sensei is going to have to work even harder to protect the children.
In the end I think it might go V-for-Vendetta on us: Koro-sensei dies, but the children stays loyal to him and takes all the skills they've learnt and starts the revolution. Or at least gains the power and the will to change society, which is perhaps the same thing.



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Soo...looks like Nagisa was (obviously) an natural assassin. And on his way to Memetic Badassery

Clearly, Koro-sensei is gonna need all those ridiculous advantages he has in order to survive



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Kokoro sensei was probably an experiment by the scientist we saw on the first chapter. My guess is that scientist was originally from the rejected classrom of the story. Her death wish when hell broke loose at the lab was probably to stop the abusive methods of that school and teaching those kids self confidence.


I must agree with this. Seeing how a 'version two' person with tentacles was 'produced,' I can't see how he is an alien. The bigger question, I think, is: why did he destroy the moon in the first place? Why does he want to destroy earth? Alien or experiment, we only know why he is teaching the class- but I think his reason for destroying the moon, and his reason for wanting to destroy the earth, is more central to the plot. The questions are probably mixed together too, as he would delay destroying the earth in order to teach the class.



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First of all, there are multiple areas that reference kuro-sensei being 'made' so I think we can all agree that kuro-sensei is no alien.


Second, I doubt that ch. 19 pg. 19 was referencing two 'kuros', Rainy. In context, that points more towards kuro-sensei having had more than one love/lover. One of those is the girl who asked him to teach the class. The other is unknown. More importantly, his love story surely includes a love triangle.


Third, the reason kuro-sensei was made. As said in ch.12 pg. 11, he was originally made to be the world's savior, but is now going to be its destroyer. This supports a few theories:

1) kuro-sensei was indeed made to defeat some sort of alien invasion

2)kuro-sensei was made as a weapon to take over the world unite it as its benevolent despot

3)kuro-sensei was made as humanities' "final form of evolution" or something along those lines.



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I suspect that he was some artificial life-form or something that somehow inherited his girlfriend's teachy-ness, such as by merging with her or something. However, I predict that he will still try to destroy the earth. I also predict that he won't be killed until the last moment possible.


I also predict that the person who kills kuro-sensei will somehow replace him and teach the e-class (or maybe take over the entire school). This character would probably end up with powers similar to those of kuro-sensei, or equally bizarre powers, in order to adequately teach the next year's class.


I think it may be possible that the person who ends up killing kuro-sensei will first get expelled from the school, which will mean that kuro-sensei will have no obligation to not hurt the kid, thus meaning that kuro-sensei will go all out against the kid.

Edited by aattss, 18 June 2013 - 02:45 AM.



    Russet Potato

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So Korosensei's greatest weakness...
