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Can't remember a K-Drama

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    Russet Potato

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I can't remember the names, so I'll make them up as originally as possible.
Female Protagonist: Female Protagonist
Male Protagonist: Male Protagonist
Female Antagonist: Horny Female Employer
Male Antagonist: Smoking Playboy Musician

Female Protagonist and Male Protagonist are childhood friends and long time sweet hearts. When they grow older, they decide to move to the big city and find work while living together in the house of a family member.

They go to the same job interviews together, playing off the idea that they work well together. Female Protagonist has the inspiration for movies, Male Protagonist has the knowledge and realistic grounding to make it happen. At the building of a film company, Male Protagonist bumps into Horny Female Employer. She's miserable and feels old an unfulfilled. Something about Male Protagonist sparks a mild interest. At the interview she only because more infatuated with him.

She's not interested in any of the other candidates, only Male Protagonist. However, she quickly realizes that she cannot hire Male Protagonist without Female Protagonist, so she agrees to hire them together, but tries to put some distance between them.

Horny Female Employer has a casual sex friend named Smoking Playboy Musician, whom she picks up from the airport and comments about the love struck girl he's got his arms around when they meet. They have sex. Stuff happens.

Horny Female Employer has been growing increasingly interested in Male Protagonist, and her efforts to separate him from Female Protagonist have been growing in intensity and malice. Eventually she snaps and just rapes Male Protagonist, who has a gay emotional breakdown and decides he can no longer face Female Protagonist.

More stuff happens. Female Protagonist finds out, but she and Male Protagonist resolve their differences and achieve an awkward peace. Infuriated, Horny Female Employer conspires and coerces a reluctant Smoking Playboy Musician to steal away Female Protagonist so that she can have more of Male Protagonist's attention.

Male Protagonist decides that he has to take responsibility for his own male weakness and decides in earnest to reciprocate a relationship with Horny Female Employer.

At some point, Male Protagonist becomes deathly ill because of the pressure of the direction in life that he is taking. Horny Female Employer tries to take care of him while refusing the help of anyone else, especially Female Protagonist. But Male Protagonist even calls out for Female Protagonist in his troubled sleep, eventually driving a distressed and heartbroken Horny Female Employer to seek out the help of Female Protagonist, who is able to calm Male Protagonist into a better sleep, and takes care of him until she sees fit to leave.

This leaves a deep scar on Horny Female Employer's pride. She knows she can't keep Male Protagonist, but she's damn frustrated because she wants to. Also, Smoking Playboy Musician genuinely starts caring for Female Protagonist and he works against Horny Female Employer's original plan because he wants Female Protagonist to be happy.

Eventually, Male Protagonist and Female Protagonist meet back in the place where they grew up. Everyone's mad at Male Protagonist because they were all rooting for the original main couple. I don't know how it ends, I didn't finish it.

But I want to know what the name of it is. There's definitely a lot of gaps in the story. I just put in what I could remember.

There's also a part where Female Protagonist makes a surprising business venture and secures and extremely valuable gain for her company.
The story that has not yet finished...?