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9 replies to this topic



    Russet Potato

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I'v found this manga very childish. It has a good games and game plots, with thought through mechanics. But its too blunt / childish as the main story and the characters are ridiculous. Especially the main heroine.




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There's no downvote button or an equivalent so I can't hit it, but I want you to know that I'm hitting it with my mind.

Edited by Amplify, 07 July 2012 - 06:29 PM.



    Potato Sprout

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Well, I think that the main character is ridiculous (although I'd call it more obfuscatingly naive) on purpose to contrast with the scenarios that she's placed in. It wouldn't be very interesting if everyone is dastardingly dastardly. Kinda like a reconstruction of being in a hive of scum and villainy where there is yet hope that the goodness in humanity will persevere. Furthermore, more recent chapters have shown that Nao isn't completely oblivious to deception as she once was. Likewise, the cheese is what I actually enjoy XD. Then again it's been a while since this has updated so I don't exactly remember the finer details of this manga so I could be completely off /end rant.

*edit changed childish to ridiculous as I had misread your post as labeling the characters as childish and not ridiculous OTL and... well... as for the "childish/blunt" story I guess it's really different strokes for different folks. I personally think Liar Game fine as is.

Edited by pandaSniper, 09 July 2012 - 11:51 PM.



    Baked Potato

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You two have got to be kidding me. -__-

Edited by Saphsin, 17 July 2012 - 07:19 AM.

"Once you label me you negate me." - Soren Kierkegaard



    Potato Spud

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"childish"? i think the TC is looking for a different word. you can describe characters as childish, but you dont describe a manga as childish because the mangaka doesnt just write random stuff, everything is planned out to fish in an audience.
thats like calling a manga "mature" because it has explicit material, unfortunately childish and mature are very subjective. does a manga full of blood and violence make it mature, or does it make it juvenile? or is this blood and violence used in a way to inspire thought? because of how vague these words are we tend not to use them to describe pieces of work



    Russet Potato

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I don't think the manga is childish at all, at most you can consider the main heroine childish even if she has many deep traits too as her pain for being tricked and having the force to move forward regardless of this. Plus she's quickly developing, become more and more liar and shrewd herself.
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    Fingerling Potato

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Ehh... name me a manga that's not childish. Let's be honest; none comes to mind. Well, maybe Vagabond, but even that's bit peculiar if you look it from the right angle...

Anyway, a child wouldn't understand the games played here. Some aspects might be simplistic, but that's another word. Calling this childish is like calling the bible a children's story, because it has naive and simple characters in it (sorry, a bad example, I know). It (as well as this piece here) does have them, but it's not the point there.
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The mind behind the manga (the author) is childish IMO. He refuse to invest time in his characters, they´re right now just simple minded fools. No one have more than two depth of layer to their personality. Everyone is acting predictable and there´s never any twist that you won´t see coming. But everyone is just happy that the white haired MC get to be badass among a group of dumb sheep. But HEY, it works, people like it, why care more?

Not everybody´s mind in real life work like this, every character in Liar Games have a trimmed down mind of a real human being. Example on how the author makes his characters below.

Come up with a stereotype design.
Insert stereotype characteristics.
Insert the emotions/feelings the character can express, which are always and only: Fear, doubt and smugness if they don´t end up as sidekicks for the MC(s).



    Potato Sprout

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I actually agree, but that's kind of part of it's charm. It's pure mindless fun.

I actually wrote a blog on the subject, if you want to check it out.

This post was by no means a cheap attempt to plug my blog.

Meow Zorg

Meow Zorg


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your right

To be honest i believe that fan service is terrible