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Clearing up translations~

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    Potato Sprout

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Heeeey there~ Yukiko from CoyoMoose.

I've noticed that some people (recently and not only here on Batoto) are commenting on how difficult it can be to understand the translations. Well, to be honest - this is a series that you can only grasp if you use the literal meanings. *sigh* I have to admit, even when I translate, I look at it and try hard to make it work for the layman but it doesn't always turn out that way. Over the span of time since Haigakura has started and to where we are today, the translations have gone through a rocky change.

The first volume will be re-released once volume 4 comes to a close. That way zero-sum has some time to get v6 together haha. The reason for the make-over is simply because our (my/CM) skills have improved by far since we began 4 years ago. Yay for progress, right? Lol...ANYway, if any of you have questions about a specific translation you're confused about, for goodness sake - email me instead of writing pissy comments etc.




    Potato Sprout

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Hi, I have found the story of Haigakura as indeed very complex and confusing. It borrows heavily from Chinese mythology w/c I am interested in, so I have a few questions/comments regarding the translations:

1. In ch 12 pg 25, it mentions Micronesia as the region, but could it possibly be Indonesia instead? Because looking at the background, it looks like the area is possibly Bali. The masked creature may be a Barong. But I could be wrong in this since it is mentioned that in the area where they are, there's a lot of Chinese living there, and they are even celebrating the Nine Emperor Gods Festival (九皇大帝) - a Taoist celebration, w/c I am unsure if it is celebrated in Bali since it is primarily Hindu.

2. In ch 12 pg 31, they mentioned "Kyoukou", is the Chinese equivalent Gong Gong (共工)? Also, is Souryuu/Xiang Liu written as 相柳? I'm quite confused w/ the translation here: "Kyoukou", in other countries he's called "Kyuuei", and...in our country he's called "Souryuu". He's an evil god who was once the misfortune "Kyoukou's" trusted subordinate.

Is Kyoukou and Souryuu supposedly one and the same in this story? But it is also mentioned that Souryuu is the trusted subordinate, just like in the legends where Gong Gong is a water god that resembles a serpent and Xiang Liu is his 9-headed serpent subordinate. So this leaves me confused as w/ Tenkou....is he Kyoukou or Souryuu?

Also, how is "Kyuuei" written as in Japanese?

3. In ch 8 pg 30, how is "Guukyou" written as?

I'm also trying to look into the story of the Four Misfortunes/Calamities/Fiends (四凶). According to the Shan Hai Jing, the Four Fiends are:
  • Hundun (混沌) representing chaos. I believe this is Konton.
  • Qiongqi (窮奇) represeting deviousness. This should be Kyuuki.
  • Taotie (饕餮) for gluttony. Toutetsu I believe.
  • Taowu (梼杌) for ignorance. This cannot be Kyoukou. My speculation is the author decided to take out Taowu and put in Gong Gong since the latter did cause great floods w/c made a lot of people suffer.
Did I match them correctly?

That's all for now~

Edited by shadoll, 09 October 2012 - 03:33 PM.



    Potato Sprout

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I will have to look at the raws again and then I will get back to you on that.