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Looking for the name of a manga

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    Potato Sprout

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I'm looking for the name of a manga I read a number of years ago but lost track of. The main plot was about a delinquent and a violent girl who got hooked up by an online dating service, and could only talk through texts or else they would just fight. After they broke up, they were both hired on as detectives/cops for this online dating service. At first it seemed like a series of short stories, but they all kind of merged into an overall storyline involving that first couple and their efforts to police the system.

Mr. Mailman

Mr. Mailman

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Ohhh i've read that one before but just like you that was quite a while ago. This is gonna drive me crazy now that I can't think of the name.

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    Global Moderator

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Possibly Mel Kano. Sadly scanlation for it stopped at chapter 19.

For all those thinking of thanking me for the scanlations, I only upload them, and I'm just a mod here. Please leave a message on the actual groups' pages that do all the hard work.

Laurens D

Laurens D

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Think kid congo has the one, The description reminded me to that one to

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This is not my fault!

You could have bought my cookies.



    Potato Sprout

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That's it. It's a shame that nobody has continued to scanlate it. Thanks guys.