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Primary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Secondary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Squares Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles


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    Potato Sprout

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I see this manga is tagged as being a tragedy but nothing so far has (in my view) made it a tragedy. So why is it tagged as such, is there some tragic ending that the translators are heading to ( and would thus ruin the series for me) that I dont know about?

Buttock Follicle

Buttock Follicle

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Uh... have you been reading the same thing O_O Just look at the characters back stories, every single person has some tragedy in it.

"that the translators are headed for" dafuq, chapter 72 came out on the 18th in japan. It's up to date in Japan, if it wasn't and I knew the end, I'd probably be crying somewhere. btw, it's very obvious that this won't have a everyone is happy ending, that's just the kind of story this is <3

Dazleeon Cylen

Dazleeon Cylen

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I smell a clannad like ending around the corner with the last few turn of events >.< lol.



    Fingerling Potato

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I remember the times when Pandora Hearts only had a drama tag. Good old times, when good people were alive.

...Then Isla Yura happened.

The soil of a man's heart is stonier. He grows what he can, and he tends it. 



    Sweet Potato

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You know, like was said earlier in this thread, there's all kinds of tragic content and elements to this story. My personal feelings are that a lot of that content is really more fitting to be described as "drama" though.


My opinion has always been that a "tragedy" tag is most warranted when there's some pivotal or extremely important story element which either is some catastrophic event, or that one central tragic event has great influence on the rest of the story. Given that one of the most important story elements here was the events that happened in Sablier.........often even referred to as "The Tragedy of Sablier"..........well, yeah, my opinion would be of course this deserves a tragedy tag. 
