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The Yaoi & Yuri Club

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    Baked Potato

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just hijack it. the queen doesn't seem to be returning any time soon.

あっ ちょっと死んじまった



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I will now add Yuri to this club!





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I'm not sure where to put this topic but I think placing it here is somewhat acceptable.


With all honest opinion, if you had a partner that suddenly wants decides to go through with transitioning( transgender) would you mind?

I understand that at times like this, one should be supportive if they decided on whats comfortable for them.

Would it be too arrogant to think that because you are no good/ not able to satisfy them anymore, they want a new life?



    Russet Potato

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I wouldn't know how to answer that since I'm only interested in girl x girl.



But hey, if that's what he decided, he can go ahead. Society now-a-days is already approaching a new era.

Next thing you know, a girl can have the option of becoming a guy thanks to a breakthrough from Trojan. haha.

I won't be surprised...Much.



Edited by Khrazy_one, 24 January 2014 - 04:07 AM.



    Baked Potato

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I'm not sure where to put this topic but I think placing it here is somewhat acceptable.


With all honest opinion, if you had a partner that suddenly wants decides to go through with transitioning( transgender) would you mind?

I understand that at times like this, one should be supportive if they decided on whats comfortable for them.

Would it be too arrogant to think that because you are no good/ not able to satisfy them anymore, they want a new life?

i would have minded when i was younger. mostly because i was raised to heteronormativity. anything gay or trans was to be shunned, particularly my cousin's gay daughter who committed the atrocity of marrying another woman was often bashed by my mother. not directly though, i'm the one who had to take my mother's hate, she often behaves somewhat respectfully towards others just to tell her nearest family how horrible those people are at a later time.


people who decide to transition pretty much never do it in order to get a new life. can't say i've hear of many cases, and they were often not too close to the transsexual end of the spectrum.

their reason is usually to get the life that their families and society denied them when they grew up. it's about taking back your future, rather than hurting others. and many transgender people go through a lot of agony over hurting their loved ones, feeling really selfish in their decision even when they know they'd rather commit suicide than go on living a lie.


supporting them would be the right thing to do. blaming yourself would be wrong.

when it comes to continuing a relationship, that depends on whether both can be sexually comfortable with the change, or be able to live happily together without that sexual part. and many other factors.


any other questions? or would you like to specify a little more, if you're talking about a real situation?

あっ ちょっと死んじまった



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I wouldn't know how to answer that since I'm only interested in girl x girl.



But hey, if that's what he decided, he can go ahead. Society now-a-days is already approaching a new era.

Next thing you know, a girl can have the option of becoming a guy thanks to a breakthrough from Trojan. haha.

I won't be surprised...Much.



Hahaha I thought  they already had that option. Girl x Girl is hot! Big fanboy over marisa x alisu, nanoha x fate.


i would have minded when i was younger. mostly because i was raised to heteronormativity. anything gay or trans was to be shunned, particularly my cousin's gay daughter who committed the atrocity of marrying another woman was often bashed by my mother. not directly though, i'm the one who had to take my mother's hate, she often behaves somewhat respectfully towards others just to tell her nearest family how horrible those people are at a later time.


people who decide to transition pretty much never do it in order to get a new life. can't say i've hear of many cases, and they were often not too close to the transsexual end of the spectrum.

their reason is usually to get the life that their families and society denied them when they grew up. it's about taking back your future, rather than hurting others. and many transgender people go through a lot of agony over hurting their loved ones, feeling really selfish in their decision even when they know they'd rather commit suicide than go on living a lie.


supporting them would be the right thing to do. blaming yourself would be wrong.

when it comes to continuing a relationship, that depends on whether both can be sexually comfortable with the change, or be able to live happily together without that sexual part. and many other factors.


any other questions? or would you like to specify a little more, if you're talking about a real situation?

Ahhhh I know what you mean. It's often like that in our culture to not be outright disrespectful. I come from a pretty traditionalist view family so its a problem whenever I talk about homosexuality and their rights. Had to keep my family from knowing my friends sexuality so they won't bash them.


I'm pretty iffy about the transitioning thing when it comes to taking hormonal medication or going through surgical procedures. Last thing I want is having someone I care for deeply to ruin their body due to after affects =\  so I can't be non chalant about it.

I'm probably flexible enough to be gradually adapt and be  comfortable with it, the problem pretty much lies with the surroundings. Its tough when families rejects them for their decision. I'm probably not independant enough to fully convince my family without them bashing.....  


I dunno. I just feel that I failed to give enough love as a partner so that they would be comfortable with their own skin regardless of outward appearances. I guess, I'm also afraid of losing them. Seeing that our relationship hasn't been doing so well lately, its probably not helping my anxiety. But yeah, I should be more supportive than dealing with my own insecurities eh?



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I'm pretty iffy about the transitioning thing when it comes to taking hormonal medication or going through surgical procedures. Last thing I want is having someone I care for deeply to ruin their body due to after affects =\  so I can't be non chalant about it.

I'm probably flexible enough to be gradually adapt and be  comfortable with it, the problem pretty much lies with the surroundings. Its tough when families rejects them for their decision. I'm probably not independant enough to fully convince my family without them bashing.....  


I dunno. I just feel that I failed to give enough love as a partner so that they would be comfortable with their own skin regardless of outward appearances. I guess, I'm also afraid of losing them. Seeing that our relationship hasn't been doing so well lately, its probably not helping my anxiety. But yeah, I should be more supportive than dealing with my own insecurities eh?

the nice thing about hormones is that it's mostly reversible. a truly transsexual individual will also commonly find great relief in having hormone levels that fit with their brain structure (but it's a little different for non-binary genders). if they have a good doctor who can help adjust hormone levels to a healthy range for the opposite sex, their mental health will usually become much better. having hormone levels that don't fit one's brain structure (there are differences in the number of androgen and estrogen receptors in the male and female brain) can cause anxiety, depression, bad tempers and other problems, even physical problems. trying hormone therapy should really be recommended for someone who believes they are trangender, because most will know whether they feel better than they used to within a short enough time that no permanent physical changes have happened. it's a funny problem though, that many transsexual people have tried hormone therapy just to suddenly feel ok with their body and everything, and then of course stop hrt because they think they don't need it after all (since they don't feel all that bad about their birth sex). what often happens when they stop is that depression and dysphoria hits them twice as bad as before. some have gone back and forth many times before they realized that opposite sex hormones was what healed their gender dysphoria.


surgery is a very different thing, and some transsexual people don't actually need it. some will be happy enough with just hrt. and some rare cases only want the surgery, almost as if only their internal body map has developed a little wrongly, without other parts of their brain being better adjusted to an opposite sex body. there is an interesting phenomenon, or condition, where a person thinks they have a limb too many. like they can't identify with their left foot, and feel like they should have been born without it. there exists no therapy in the world that can make the feeling go away, it seems to be somehow internalized in the brain structure. many experience extreme discomfort at having both legs, and fall into a depression that only goes away at the amputation of the leg they think shouldn't be attached to their body). that people are unable to associate properly with other body parts shouldn't be too difficult to imagine. transgenderism isn't a mental condition, it's highly physical, and has to do with the development of the brain.


ignoring your own insecurities won't do you any good. you have to face them head-on, and deal with them. be as open as you possibly can with your partner. but try first to realize, that there is nothing you can do to make anyone feel good in a horribly wrong body. if you lived in what you thought was the ugliest house in town, no partner of yours could convince you that you shouldn't fix your house a little because it's good enough for them. the body is only a house for the soul, it's better to change the body than to lose one's soul.


i hope i'm still making some sense here...?

another thing that i have to mention. transgenderism is something that usually grows stronger the older the person becomes. many had no idea they were transsexual as a child. different interests doesn't automatically equal opposite gender. there are many who haven't realized that this feeling of "wrongness" was dues to transgenderism, until they were well over 20. some even didn't see the connection before their life was much closer to its end than its beginning. but once the realization has happened, it is near impossible to stop the need to change. the need will feel stronger the older the person is. and it becomes more an more impossible to pretend to be something one is not, to keep walking in the same direction when you know that happiness is in the other direction, isn't really all that easy.


and transgender people also have their insecurities about how their partner will deal with everything. "will i be able to satisfy them if i change? will they be able to love me if i change?" and so they often choose to wait, and wait, and wait. until the feeling becomes unbearable, but they can still convince themselves that they can bear anything if it's for a loved one. pretending to be the perfect partner, still the same person they were when you first met. just try to imagine how much anxiety and resentment and self hate this could lead to.

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@Taka: Wow, thats quite the load down. Thanks for explaining it to me.


My apologies for taking space with something that is slightly off topic. Here are some yuri pics!



Edited by 「黑風影」, 25 January 2014 - 01:58 AM.



    Russet Potato

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Hahaha I thought  they already had that option. Girl x Girl is hot! Big fanboy over marisa x alisu, nanoha x fate.

Now I like you even more!

Hooray for yuri!



    Fried Potato

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Now I like you even more!

Hooray for yuri!


Hahah, thanks XD I quite like you too. Yuri Banzai! Yaoi Banzai! 
Do you have any favourite yuri pairings? Any notable manga you would recommend?

Edited by 「黑風影」, 25 January 2014 - 04:57 AM.



    Russet Potato

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Hahah, thanks XD I quite like you too. Yuri Banzai! Yaoi Banzai! 
Do you have any favourite yuri pairings? Any notable manga you would recommend?


I read hardcore yuri on another site.

Like legit yuri.


My anime favourites would be;

- Maria sama ga miteru

- Kannazuki no Miko

- Strawberry Panic

- ..What was that other one..


I'm searching for more of them. Any recommendations?

Edited by Khrazy_one, 25 January 2014 - 05:10 AM.



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any yuri with balalaika...?

あっ ちょっと死んじまった

Joshua Langford

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well this is a thing




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it was edited? cool.

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Buttock Follicle

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If anyone can think of a better name, I'd change it to that =]



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nah, it's good. could of course change to yuri & yaoi, but it's not like that makes much of a difference.

and same sex love just doesn't sound that good in english.

あっ ちょっと死んじまった



    Russet Potato

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any yuri with balalaika...?

Google told me a balalaika is an intstrument.

What do you mean?



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I presume that taka is talking about one of the most badass character from Black Lagoon, Balalaika.


Welcome back saki!



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I'm searching for more of them. Any recommendations?

Bakuretsu Tenshi, Gokujo, ICE (lol @ that low rating on MAL), Mai HiME, Mnemosyne, Sasameki Koto, Utena, Yami to Boushi to Hon no Tabibito, Yuri Seijin Naoko-san
Some more hinted, some more obvious.




You <3

Whoever decided to delete this was an idiot.

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Finally a place where i can share my yaoiness~~



hue hue hue ,3


Mr. YaoiLongArms
