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Couples in Hayate

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    Potato Spud

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I was wondering why we dont have 1 so I made a topic on this.. Who do you think that will likely to become Hayate's lover? From my opinion, Nagi is one of the character that have the least chance. From the situation with Athena, it's hard for Nagi to win the race. Not to mention that, in the early chapters (7-11) there was a passage in black saying something like " this love will never be rewarded". Linking it back to these new chapters, I think that it is an important remark.
Hina is out of the race too. When she helped Hayate to meet up with Athena...that feel like a decision point in the story to me. Since she couldnt bring herself to say she likes him, the chance that she will be able to say it in the future is low...
Nizishawa ( the name might be incorrect)...I just cant think of her as a potential.
In the end, that lead me to Athena, who i consider as, maybe, the only potential lover.



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This may spoil some information if you haven't read all of the Athena story arc around chapter 250. You have been warned and this is all my personal ideas. Please comment if you have something you want to add or point out a flaw to me.

I agree on several of your points. Nagi doesn't seem to be in mind for the author in a relationship with Hayate. From what I've gathered, she is only obsessed or has hero-worship when it concerns Hayate. Also, my opinion is that Nagi feels strongly toward Hayate because was the first to confess to her (even though it was a misunderstanding).

Personally, I feel that Athena or Hinagiku will end up in a relationship with Hayate. Hinagiku hasn't confessed her feelings toward Hayate but it doesn't mean that she can't. Then you take into consideration that it's very likely she really does have loving feelings towards Hayate. When you think of a pure love or a true love, it's a common association to want the other to be happy so when she advises Hayate to tell Athena his feelings then it's purely for his happiness. That had absolutely no gain for her and it actually would have hurt her if it had happened. This same concept of the love applies to Athena when she pushes Hayate away because she wants him to be happy.

Granted, both of them still associate with Hayate later on but it isn't on a romantic setting. Hinagiku and Athena just have the highest possibility of a couple setup by the author. This is purely my opinion, like the rest, but how cliche would it be if Hayate ends up falling for Nagi? I realize that she saved him but Athena saved him at a much earlier age by that same concept. It's irritating to see a spoiled/undeserving main heroine get all of the attention in a harem genre when there are other characters to consider that never get the chance. Again, this is all just my own opinions on it.
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    Potato Spud

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well from some viewpoints it could be seen as maria and hayate including the latest chapters



    Potato Sprout

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I want Hinagiku to get together with Hayate :D



    Potato Spud

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Actually, in my opinion, the closest one in the race would be Hina. It was pretty obvious that she likes him and Hayate has an exceptional bond with her.

Then, next would come Ayumu but that relationship came undeveloped for a while now so I'm not sure.

Maria is slightly doubtful. While the author gave lots of hints that Hayate finds her attractive and that Maria has some feelings for him, there were no clear indications beyond that.

Izumi has some odd hints flying around though. Like the flashback chapter, it seems they actually met when they were younger. What story implications it had I have no idea.

Ruka is interesting though. She's fairly new in the scene but she's rising in both popularity and also relationship with Hayate. She has quite the possibility to get together with Hayate.

Athena in my opinion is out of the picture with Hayate's relationship. It was implied during the end of the arc at the time.

Dinh TheTuan

Dinh TheTuan

    Potato Sprout

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Dude, in my opinion i say Ruka has no chance at all .... or at least less than Hina or Atan.... The closest to him is Atan then Hina in a romantic relationship in my view



    Potato Spud

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From my opinion, Nagi is one of the character that have the least chance.

This is absolute BULLSHIT!!!

Look, Nagi is and will always be the main character. Saying that she doesn't have a chance in Hayate's heart is total crap.
When Hayate is describing to Hinagiku who Athena is for him, he mentioned that Athena is nothing like the others. Which means that Ahtena is supposed to be better than the other girls.

Guess what ... Nagi is not on the picture. It means that Athena is better than anybody else except Nagi.

Oh, and have you read Ch253? Didn't you get the idea of "THE PERSON I WANT TO PROTECT THE MOST"?
I understand that due to Nagi being too young that Hayate have too much respect for her and still treats her as a child, but it is still too early for that. Maybe there is a chance that this will change in a few years.

But as of now, Hayate have no interest in love or romance. All he wants to do now is to be Nagi's butler.



    Potato Spud

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@Vander: Let's take a look at the earlier chapters. Do you remember when maria played pool with hayate? Didnt he say something is his savior and to marry her is too disrespect or something like that? Now i didnt say Nagi doesnt have a chance in Hayate's heart. She is already in there, but as a FAMILY not a POTENTIAL LOVER.
Now to the next point. Hayate said that nagi is diferrent then others, this is a fact. Nagi saved him, she gave him a new life and introduced him to new friends. So to Hayate...Nagi is a goddess. On the other hand, athena is his first love ( he said some thing like that if i remember correctly). As for the reason why hayate want to protect Nagi the most: part of it is because the others dont need his help as much ( He one said that if Nagi doesnt has hoer money, what can see do?), another reason is because he thinks of her as a family. The last reason is because he feels like this is his responsibility. Let's not forget the promise he made with her mother at her rested place.



    Potato Spud

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to me it looks like this
1. Hayate x Hina, because she never gives up and is always on the move. she has faced many failures, but failure only makes one stronger! (character is fighting for Hayate's affectiion)

2. Hayate x Athena, it doesnt seem like Athena is an option anymore, in fact Hayate has even moved on from her and her from him it seems. they are at the "i will always keep you close to my heart, but for both our sakes let us remain apart" storyline kind of thing. the author can easily make her re-emerge though considering her back story and character popularity. (Athena seems to not be going for Hayate at the time)

3. Hayate x Nagi, this is an obvious one. Nagi is the main heroine, is always with Hayate, is the one hes devoted to, plus the one she built a new life with. while she doesnt have past experience with Hayate their fates are intertwined. while they havent had much romance recently, its not uncommon for romance to develop between two people as time goes on, not to mention the mangaka can easily create romantic setups with her considering the large place she has in Hayate's current lifestyle. (Nagi takes Hayate for a dependable and loyal companion, however she does not seem to be interested in winning his heart at the time)

.4. Hayate x Maria, this has been hinted at many times and there are many fun little chapters where they develop friendliness with one another. definetly a possible pair. (Maria does not seem to be seriously aiming for Hayate's affection)

5. Hayate x Izumi, Izumi has gotten a fair amount of development and seems to know Hayate from before hakou. she easily can become a romantic interest with more developments, and even now is a more noticeable part of the harem. (izumi likes Hayate and it looks like shes not going to stay quiet considering its Izumi)

6. Hayate x Ruka, he has put a lot of effort into helping her and seems willing to be at her side, and shes following him too. (actively going for Hayate)

7.. Hayate x Ayumu , shes stuck with Hayate through thick and thin, but tbh this is like a crack pairing considering shes a support comedy role, but if she got more serious chapters i am sure she has a chance considering her background with Hayate. (she wants Hayate to be her husband)

8. Hayate x Sakuya, they have good vibes from time to time, but i really doubt he will have a real romantic situation with her (Sakuya likes Hayate because he is a good gag partner and hes a good guy, but shes by no means after him)



    Potato Spud

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This is absolute BULLSHIT!!!

Look, Nagi is and will always be the main character. Saying that she doesn't have a chance in Hayate's heart is total crap.
When Hayate is describing to Hinagiku who Athena is for him, he mentioned that Athena is nothing like the others. Which means that Ahtena is supposed to be better than the other girls.


Guess what ... Nagi is not on the picture. It means that Athena is better than anybody else except Nagi.

Oh, and have you read Ch253? Didn't you get the idea of "THE PERSON I WANT TO PROTECT THE MOST"?
I understand that due to Nagi being too young that Hayate have too much respect for her and still treats her as a child, but it is still too early for that. Maybe there is a chance that this will change in a few years.

But as of now, Hayate have no interest in love or romance. All he wants to do now is to be Nagi's butler.

Don't have to go ballistic, man. And I just want to correct you on one thing. HAYATE DOES NOT SEE NAGI AS A POTENTIAL LOVER. So unless, the author uses his power of Plot Devices in the series, it is impossible for Hayate X Nagi to develop further. All the other girls mentioned would have a much greater chance compared to Nagi if you read properly. The amount of romantic developments between them and Hayate just overshadows the romantic development with Nagi (if Nagi had any in the 1st place.)



    Potato Spud

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From my opinion i will bet that Athena and Hayate will have the best chance of being a couple. First of all they already have a history with each other. Second of all both of them still have feelings for one another Third Why the f* is Athena an 8 year old again? I have no idea -.- that just ruined my entire argument.




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In my opinions i see 3 possibility that would make me happy: -Hayate x Maria (i just like her she's so pretty and gentle), -Hayate x Ruka (probably the best bet from up to now, there is some issue tought (both debts is a big one, Hayate has duty to protect Nagi and also that Hayate is an idiot :P )), -Hayate x Hinagiku (She's trying so hard despite being unable to express her feelings that it reached a point where whenever she's trying to it get to Hayate as the opposite message, which make me laugh all the time). And there are somes couples setting that just bugs me: Hayate x Nagi (him being 2 years till he become an adult (at least in my country) and her still being 13 make me feel it's just plain wrong, a teenage love that will be up to nothing(for her)), -Hayate x Ayumu (even if it would be cute to see them together i'm opposed to it as she's always making far reached deduction that just don't apply to reality, she's fantasysing too much and it gets on my nerves like when she says he kissed her when actually he only gave her selfmade cookies), -Hayate x Athena (my position on it is that they crossed road already and while still having feelings for each others it feels more like a farewell and let's still be friends brokeup). Well that pretty much sums up all i have to say on this. Please check my other post in Hayate's forum for some more, love-unrelated, issue. Thanks for reading!



    Potato Sprout

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I think Hayate/Maria is great. It was the first pairing that was hinted at and Maria's backstory has been left almost untouched. Surely there's something in there that will suprise us readers. Hayate/Izumi would be very cute.



    Potato Spud

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Hayate/Athena its the only choice, Nagi is like a little sister to Hayate, with what happened between Hina and hayate in the last chapter hina is out of the picture so the only 2 possibilities are Ruka and Athena both of them are good for me



    Potato Spud

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I honestly don't care who he ends up with since they're all great girls that he's been attracted to at one point or another. Just please please please please don't give me the stereotypical end with Nagi. Y'know what would be awesome, Hayate winning the lottery, paying his debt, then going off and returning with some chick he met overseas and completely troll ever single love development made.



    Russet Potato

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I want the old A-tan back!!! There was good chemistry between her and Hayate!!
So Ulamog and Kozilek are dead, FOR GOOD. but Ugin made a good point: there's no telling how many eldrazi there are in the Blind Eternities and whether they will seek revenge.

It REALLY sucks when a pacifist makes you guilty for killing monsters.






    Potato Spud

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hmm, i think my candidate is

hina, maria(cause the latest chapter) and ruka


and i think the winner is ... ruka 

cause they have the same hair colour lol



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I really like izumi even before it was hinted she like hayate (i like minor characters :3 ) but base from the story of the manga and anime hina and maria has a high chance,sadly because of the latest chapters a-tan for now is out of the picture, how bout ruka well let the stupid season 3 tell you for the rest not really seeing things and somebody mentioned about sakuya well let wataru have his own harem wataru x sakuya is really cute too :3

but for my personal view hayate x izumi i hope she gets more chapters like the one where hayate went in their house or her birthday :3 and i hate nagi cause i hate characters that are forceful you know like oh maria and hayate are together but nagi is their to punch hayate sorry guys (reason why i hate familiar of zero he must be one hell of a masochist to like her)



    Russet Potato

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I'm beginning to think even Hata Kenjiro (the creator) wants the old A-tan back, with the new cover and all
So Ulamog and Kozilek are dead, FOR GOOD. but Ugin made a good point: there's no telling how many eldrazi there are in the Blind Eternities and whether they will seek revenge.

It REALLY sucks when a pacifist makes you guilty for killing monsters.






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some what off topic; but what about Saki x Wataru? whats happening with that because the gap is pretty substantial, but they both like each other right or am i just reading it wrong?