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Questions about chapter 16 and 17

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    Baked Potato

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Chapter 16- "What happened to the martyr of the kings army" "Their deceased"

Is "martyr of the kings army" one of the 3 person groups? Were they killed?

It says the person on the throne must always remain seated and "may not detach from the throne". But the green lizard girl stands on the top of the throne (not sitting on its seat) and even leaps off it, and then back on, (physically losing contact with the throne) to avoid the shinsoo blast. So her group should be disqualified? But then why does it seem like shes still treated as holding the throne?

The blanket guy says "Lets go out"/"lets go out this round" Which I originally interpreted as going out of the round, quitting the round and trying again latter on. But then it seems like they are going to attack.

Also in the description the blanket guy gives, he says if more then three teams comes out the defenders will fall quickly, yet then goes on to say that the more teams out, the safer the defending team is, I don't understand this contradiction.



    Potato Sprout

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Well for the source of the name or the game's rules. The topic is not delved further into so perhaps it was a game they thought on the spot. Unless otherwise stated in later chapters, there is probably no real significance or history to it at this point.

As for the remain seated/detached. I think the key was that the "crowned" must stay in contact with the throne, which she did for the most part. Evading an attack may be ok, but if she left the throne entirely then that would lead to disqualification. Since the manhwa is ongoing and weekly, maybe they are disqualified later. chapter 18 and 19 might indeed lead to that.

For the case of blanket guy saying "Let's go out this round," it was more in reference to "let us attack and fight" perhaps show their true powers. This was said before they actually went out though. As for finding out how truly strong lizard girl is, maybe he does consider withdrawing afterward.

As for the discussion on the teams and strategy... it is sort of self explanatory. Consider having 5 teams with 1 having the crown. The first team to steal the crown automatically wins. So even if there are 3 of the 5 teams left, first that steals the crown wins the round. Because of this the other 4 must try not to let another team steal the crown before them. Because of this they must deal with the competitors before they can deal with the team with the crown. If they don't, they might get their prize taken from them. In addition, a team can be stabbed in the back when they go after the crown by another rival team. So this gives an added risk to the attackers.

So if there is more competition for the crown, meaning more teams, then that gives the defending team more leeway. The fewer the competitors, the more dangerous as it is less of a battle royale and less chance of the crown taken from a rival team. As such, they can concentrate on defenders more so than being stabbed in the back or having the crown taken before they get their chance.