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Naver Raws?

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Soooooooooo.,.. what that's about?

Can't access the thing since I don't have an account, since my phone can';t receive their activation code -.-



    Potato Sprout

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Ah, actually, I think I found this somewhere else as well. It was called 리버스.

The thing, though, is that it doesn't seem like there are any new content. All the stuff (up to Chapter 17 in the latest submission) are practically the same as the original. It's like the author just converted it into a webcomic format. For example, on here (in comparison to the original at http://vatoto.com/read/_/7424/rebirth-the-lunatic-taker_ch10_by_muda-scantrad/31), the webcomic version:
- Has all these panels split up. The panels are now on top of each other instead of packed in the page like how manga are like.
- Has the bottom right panel become a bit brighter and seems to have cleaner lines. It looks more like twilight than dusk now.
- Has translated all text to Korean (well, no duh, it's a Korean webcomic)
- Has all the panels flipped (since it seems in Korean they like it left to right, at least in webcomic terms).

I'm not sure if they will change anything or continue it further from the original, but for now it seems like no crucial changes were made. They seem to have split up the chapters, though, so Chapter 1 ran for like the first 4 submissions. Granted, first chapters are the longest chapters, but they really shouldn't have changed the numbering. It almost seemed like as if they went way past the original, when the so-called "chapter 46" is really a section of chapter 16-17.