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The end of the world??

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    Russet Potato

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People say that the end of the world is coming in 2012, I know most people don't believe this but I want to know your thoughts on the subject.
I usually dismiss this kind of talk but there are some really bizarre weather the past couple of days.
I live in Canada and yesterday, the temperature was in the negatives, but today it was sunny and really hot in the morning.
I hope I'm not the only paranoid one here :D
here's a random kitty :batoto_024:




    Unloved Potato

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Stuff like that happens every once in a while, it's only because of the whole '2012' thing that we're even paying it much attention.

Do I think something big is coming, or will happen? Who knows, people who say "nothing will happen" or "ze end of ze world" can't be certain simply because it's too early to tell. But honestly, I wish something would happen, would be interesting, assuming my tests would be cancelled..

I'm more curious about how society will treat the ominous warning, will they go out and buy thousands of dollars worth of emergency supplies? Will they take a week off of work prior to the 21st? Speculation is one of the leading reasons gas prices fluctuate so often, imagine what this could do to our economy on a much larger scale.
I decided to impersonate an admin, and all I got was this lousy gimped account. :(

I'm also banned because I'm a sockpuppet of Kurt/POMF :(

Buttock Follicle

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Lol, I never got why the Mayan doom prediction was the most famous of them all... the world is ending everyday if you listen to everyone xD

Like Cudi I'm just wondering what everybody will do on/before the 21st U.U I'll just be enjoying teh start of my summer holidays orz



    Baked Potato

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If the world really is going to end, then I doubt anything we do as preparations would help. I think most of the world would probably go around doing the same shit the days before Dec. 21st. If anything, I'd expect a lot of babies to be born on September 2013.

Personally, I don't believe it one bit, but I'm no joykiller. It'd be interesting if something did happen on the 21st.



    Russet Potato

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Experts have been debating this topic for decades. Most of them have come up with a ton of perfectly logical reasons why it's nothing to worry about. I'm putting my trust in those guys, not the same people who blindly believe everything the History Channel tells them.

Not to say that some kind of apocalyptic event is impossible or anything. Nuclear warfare would be pretty devastating, and global warming is also taking its toll. But the Earth is pretty good at adapting. Humans too, but to a much lesser extent.

(Of course, this coming from a person whose family is readily preparing for the end of the world. Our emergency kit's even got crossbows in it, and my aunt is building a portable windmill. "Just in case", I guess.)

Like Cudi I'm just wondering what everybody will do on/before the 21st U.U I'll just be enjoying teh start of my summer holidays orz

We're gonna party like it's 1999, obviously! ...oh god, why did just reference something from the eighties...

Buttock Follicle

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I learned about what happened in 1999 and went wtf XD

/too young to remember derp

Edited by kishuke, 29 March 2012 - 05:27 AM.



    Baked Potato

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I think its based on the Mayan calendar because the Mayans stopped recording future dates at 2012. I think cos they got invaded I'm not really sure of the details XD

Buttock Follicle

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The Mayan calendar ends on 21st December 2012, and they believed that when their calendar ended so would the world...

idk what I'm saying. 0_0



    Russet Potato

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The end of the world? I think Mayans is just trolling with us....and besides,why some people care about the Mayans so much?
If the world's gonna end,it will end,without any of us noticing that it happens.

maybe its the day catasthropic world war will happen.Earth will be destoyed by aliens.Ha! Mayans.

"I will say them once we meet again. Until then, I will never give up. Even if everyone says you're dead… even if the spells show you are dead… even if your grave stands before my eyes, I won’t believe it. I’ll wait for you for the rest of my life. But, even that won’t repay the thing that you did to me. I will call you back to life. Even if I’ll be called stupid, I will wait for you. With all my being, I will deny your death."

Louise Francoise De La Valliere to Saito Hiraga 'grave'.
Taken from Volume 8 Light novel translation in BakaTsuki.Thank you for these translation,BakaTsuki Staff!


αɖα- ɕɧαɲ

αɖα- ɕɧαɲ

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I'm a catholic and there are lots of stuffs they called "proofs" of the world ending on Dec.22
Well, there is a side of me who wants to believe on it and the other side saying "it's all shit".

I have read a lot of documents and heard stories about this topic and it really sounds true. In those there were lines and paragraphs pertaining to tsunamis, eartquakes etcetera etecetera which will shake this world of ours. However, science of course has explanation to all of it as well.. so it's kinda confusing.

Now it's all about the person, if he/she will be believing about the end of the world or not. Again I should say I'm 50/50. If it's the end, then I don't have any say about that. If it isn't yet, let's party and continue life it is.. just like that.



    Russet Potato

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Now it's all about the person, if he/she will be believing about the end of the world or not. Again I should say I'm 50/50. If it's the end, then I don't have any say about that. If it isn't yet, let's party and continue life it is.. just like that.

Yeah,just continue with our life everyday,just like how it is already.

"I will say them once we meet again. Until then, I will never give up. Even if everyone says you're dead… even if the spells show you are dead… even if your grave stands before my eyes, I won’t believe it. I’ll wait for you for the rest of my life. But, even that won’t repay the thing that you did to me. I will call you back to life. Even if I’ll be called stupid, I will wait for you. With all my being, I will deny your death."

Louise Francoise De La Valliere to Saito Hiraga 'grave'.
Taken from Volume 8 Light novel translation in BakaTsuki.Thank you for these translation,BakaTsuki Staff!




    Russet Potato

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Gonna stop you there. The end of the calendar= end of an era. The Mayan calendars were wheels, and this wasn't the only one. Besides which, if we are lending these notions credence, why not consider that Nostradamus made predictions extending far past 2012?

We're gonna party like it's 1999, obviously! ...oh god, why did just reference something from the eighties...

Speak for yourself, I'm going to party like it's 1699. Now I just referenced the nineties :o

meh, guess we'll find out on the 21st. if the world really does end, i doubt anyone could stop it anyways.

If we could... get the earth to spin backwards... :P

I do not reject the notion that the world might end on such a date, as to do so would be to reject chance altogether. However, I am the of mind that the Mayans did not predict the end of the world, nor was it their intention. They just ran out of space.

Edited by 01011001, 29 March 2012 - 06:22 AM.

Looks like a duck? Tastes like a duck? Walks like a duck? It's a panda! :batoto_010:
oh darn.



    Russet Potato

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meh, guess we'll find out on the 21st. if the world really does end, i doubt anyone could stop it anyways.

Poor Orphan Ian.





    Russet Potato

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Hmm,well,if you believe in Mayans,i'm not gonna stop you from believing them.
Let's just say i always try to think positive about life.Live positively.
The end of the world? Well,if its gonna end,then let it end.If not,then it is not gonna happen.
Death is inevitable for every human beings.So do planets.
Just like Ada,i'm also 50/50.

meh, guess we'll find out on the 21st. if the world really does end, i doubt anyone could stop it anyways.

Yeah,let's just wait and see what happens.

Edited by HXIII, 29 March 2012 - 06:14 AM.

"I will say them once we meet again. Until then, I will never give up. Even if everyone says you're dead… even if the spells show you are dead… even if your grave stands before my eyes, I won’t believe it. I’ll wait for you for the rest of my life. But, even that won’t repay the thing that you did to me. I will call you back to life. Even if I’ll be called stupid, I will wait for you. With all my being, I will deny your death."

Louise Francoise De La Valliere to Saito Hiraga 'grave'.
Taken from Volume 8 Light novel translation in BakaTsuki.Thank you for these translation,BakaTsuki Staff!




    Russet Potato

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Gonna stop you there. The end of the calendar= end of an era. The Mayan calendars were wheels, and this wasn't the only one. Besides which, if we are lending these notions credence, why not consider that Nostradamus made predictions extending far past 2012?

"The Wheel of Time turns, and Ages come and pass..." Sorry, my inner fantasy geek couldn't resist. But yeah, the Mayan thing has been pretty much debunked. The general media just has problems listening to logic when hype is so much more interesting.



    Russet Potato

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Sometimes,media just love to scare the heck out of people.

"I will say them once we meet again. Until then, I will never give up. Even if everyone says you're dead… even if the spells show you are dead… even if your grave stands before my eyes, I won’t believe it. I’ll wait for you for the rest of my life. But, even that won’t repay the thing that you did to me. I will call you back to life. Even if I’ll be called stupid, I will wait for you. With all my being, I will deny your death."

Louise Francoise De La Valliere to Saito Hiraga 'grave'.
Taken from Volume 8 Light novel translation in BakaTsuki.Thank you for these translation,BakaTsuki Staff!


Buttock Follicle

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Haha, remember the one last year... xD

And I've always wondered how exactly the end of the world would work with timezones XDDD

Edited by kishuke, 29 March 2012 - 06:26 AM.



    Unloved Potato

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meh, guess we'll find out on the 21st. if the world really does end, i doubt anyone could stop it anyways.

Yeah good point, even if we did find out, what can we do

At the same time it's kind of fun to think about, and interesting to research Mayan culture and people's theories concerning the calender on the web.
I decided to impersonate an admin, and all I got was this lousy gimped account. :(

I'm also banned because I'm a sockpuppet of Kurt/POMF :(



    Unemployed Kitty In A Penguin Suit

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Haha, remember the one last year... xD

And I've always wondered how exactly the end of the world would work with timezones XDDD

That would mean that like every new year New Zealand will be the first one to go.

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    Russet Potato

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hahahha! thats true, i guess the northernmost countries would go first >__> depending on how it happened.

Poor Orphan Ian.

