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Tired of seeing incorrect "half Japanese"

half japanese gangster yakuza wrong plot stereotype foreigner transfer student

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Dice Warwick

Dice Warwick

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it's a better stand point then a character who is blond and blue eye when nobody in their family shares that characteristics. As long as they give some context to it, it's fine to me, and having more divers characters helps to tell them apart. In this manga the context dose matter a little, but in most mangas it dose not, so when characters with natural pink, blue, or purple hair show up, just say their from outer-space and move on.



    Potato Sprout

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I have to say is that it is at least in part because its a fetish. there is that is is very unlikely(not impossible. not only does genetics not say it is impossible, but science isn't perfect anyways despite what people say. I mean they bloody found over 1k bacteria that may be new to science in the human belly button. yeah, right on our bodies. or all the different variations of calculating π despite math supposedly being an absolute. research, then whine, nough said) that it would happen naturally. more importantly though, it is a turn on -_- and that is a big part of what sells manga. at the end of the day, what do you think is more important? being perfect? or making money? I can tell you as a working adult, that the world already decided for us, and that is making money.

Edited by xarin42, 25 March 2013 - 09:28 PM.



    Potato Sprout

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i think the important thing is that we shouldn't forget that manga's are fictional stories with fictional characters. trying to implement reality and logic to this matter will all be for naught.



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Neither blue eyes no blond hair are "recessive". The idea that black eyes + blue eyes automatically results in black eyed children is wrong. Depending on the exact genetic background of the blue eyed parent, blue eyes can actually dominate, even if the other parent does not have a single gene for blue eyes. Having a mixed background for eye color often results in a multicoloured iris and the overall impression can vary widely.


Light brown colored eyes and hair are uncommon but not particularly rare in Asian populations and these often contain genes that can result in green eyes. Green eyes though rare do appear naturally in many asian populations. It is certainly not impossible that a Japanese person marrying a platinum blond foreigner with completely blue eyes, might end up having offspring with light coloured eyes and hair. Depending on the exact genetic background of the foreign parent you can actually have the blonde hair and blue eyes dominating. It is uncommon not rare and it is 100% possible. The original poster is simply unaware of the intricacies of eye and hair color inheritance.


Asians of mixed heritage have a higher proportion of light coloured eyes or hair, making them often more striking. It is not surprising that manga authors would often choose for their character to be uncommon in that way.

Edited by Havoc12, 04 April 2013 - 06:18 PM.