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Shik-Nams personality

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    Baked Potato

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So first off, it seems, he's living without parents for a long time with his disabled sister, for whose handicap, he seems to feel partially responsible.

Observing his behavior, you can tell 4 things:
1) he has an abnormal obsession with learning
2) he has an abnormal obsession with math in particular
3) he really seems to care for his sister, even tho he doesn't show
4) he wants to live quietly without bothering anyone, without being bothered by anyone, pretty much like me :)

So getting straight to the point, how did he get like this?
I for my part think, the fact, they seem to live without any relatives and his sister is handicapped is one of the main reasons.
He was obsessed with learning before his sister got that injury but looking closely, I can still see some reason for my theory:

Just say, he always had an obsession with learning BUT after his sister got injured, it turned worse.
This conclusion would automatically lead to the following:
He wanted to learn hard for the sake of his sister whom he might to have support financially at some point in time because she saved him at some point earlier, injuring her spine in the progress. With his solitude behavior, he then developed the personality, he has now, just learning for the learnings sake and having a boner pop up on the sight of a difficult formula.

His intentions are never bad, that's, what we learned, but I feel like there is or at least was more behind his obsession for learning.
Your thoughts on that?


You don't scanlate, you don't complain, as simple as that.

Yan Q

Yan Q

    Fried Potato

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I don't know if he's supposed to be such a detestable character, but I swear.
As for my thoughts,

1. he's your run-of-the-mill nerdy character
2. maths is generally thought of as one of the more "nerdier" subjects
3. he started caring after the accident
4. he is only interested in study, and after the accident, caring for his sister

I think.

First off, okay, I get that that his studious personality has been exaggerated, and I get that he's supposed to (two-dimentionally) show the worse side of humanity while his sister portrays the opposite. But by ch 6, I've really had enough of it.

His character isn't developed at all, no one's is, and it's really annoying how easily the princess was swayed.
I mean come on. and I'm totally swaying from the topic now... For years she and the whole animal kingdom believed and regretted the fact that her brother was killed by a human, came to the human world to avenge him, and a few days later, defend the humans?

Just go back with the damn cat. It'll give us more drama anyway. Che.

Edited by YanYan, 15 April 2012 - 05:27 PM.

yes, i bite

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    Sweet Potato

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I tried reading this manhwa and didn't get more than a few chapters in because of the main characters personality. Just came across as a bad guy and to me he wasn't showing any sign of changing. I do plan to try it again though, it's a pretty neat plot premis and the art's pretty too.(yeah I like ecchi, what can I say?)
