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Looking for an h-manga series

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    Fingerling Potato

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Yes, im looking for an h-manga. I read it before, i just can't remember if it was translated or not :|
So here goes, I think I only read its last chapter cause there was a wedding at the end.

They were having a party, and everyone is drunked. There's this guy who is about to get married (which was shown on the last page) sleeping in between two girls, one his fiancee and another girl who seems to love him. Then being a hentai manga, the girl (who loves him) rode on top on him while they are beside his fiancee sleeping, and after they finished, she got tired and fell on top on him, then when she looked at his fiancee, she was wide awake and was looking deadly at her.
Then dialogues happen and it shifted to the church, with the groom and bride, and the girl was also there. Then the bride didn't go to the wedding and substituted herself to the girl and they are the ones who got married.

Do you know this one?

I'm fine with the title or the author or even the comic it appeared, i just need some help finding it

Edited by zilentworld, 05 February 2012 - 02:33 PM.



    Fingerling Potato

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Sorry for an unhelpful post, but congratulations. You've described a hentai manga I haven't read yet.



    Russet Potato

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I think maybe asking on fakku might help? It seems people here don't have any idea about this manga.
Well, I post it there, in case somebody there can help.

Edit: remove the link, I forgot the rules.

Someone replied, he said it might be 'Be... Silent' by Akatsuki Myuuto. It doesn't have entry on MU, maybe because it's not translated. It seems this is a oneshot in 2011-09 volume of Comic Mujin. He give me a link, but I can't access it, so I can't confirm if it's really the series you're looking for. I can pm the link, if you like. :)

Edited by p3pe, 10 February 2012 - 12:33 PM.

My avatar is taken from this pixiv user: http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=35996065 ♥



    Fingerling Potato

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thanks for your help p3pe, and yeah i was actually thinking that it was done by akatsuki myuuto, cause the art resembles his, from what i can remember :|



    Potato Sprout

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