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Primary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Secondary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Squares Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles

Chapter issue

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    Potato Sprout

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I tried to read Maga-Tsuki and a page appears than disappears. You do know this is highly illegal because anything that flashes subliminal messages and disappears too fast without consciously being able to read it is the same as brain washing. Highly illegal in fact a federal offense. Whoever did this needs to delete the latest chapter that is infected with it because I will not be unconsciously brainwashed. Showing watermarks fine.. showing an add at the beginning fine.. but to have subliminal messages thrown at me that I have no idea what it says I will not tolerate.

Please delete this offensive chapter and do not let this abominable practice continue. Besides this I love the site and enjoy reading the great manga that you help provide



    Fried Potato

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This should answer your issue: http://japanzai.com/index.php?PHPSESSID=938c4711a41d94e23076a942f40b3abc&topic=1725.0
and it will be removed anyway. When the cleaned watermark-free version is released.
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Favorite Manga: Record of Fallen Vampire, Hayate the Combat Butler, Kekkaishi
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I don't know what you've been reading where... but subliminal messages, brainwashing and similar ... method are indeed legal. In fact, if it were illegal, the government would be the first in line for a court case. Not that we're trying to do anything like that.

It's also nothing to get freaked out about...

It hasn’t been proven that subliminal messages work to any significant degree. While they have been able to demonstrate they can prime an individual’s responses and stimulate mild emotional activity on certain people, the consensus among scientists and psychologists is that subliminal messages do not produce a strong, enduring effect on a persons behavior; and that experiments reveal little effect beyond a subtle, fleeting effect on a persons thinking.

Subliminal message will always work less effectively than just the plain message. The animated watermark, however... well, it's described in above link. So, if you aren't going to be freaked out after reading it without the flicker, you shouldn't be worried reading it with flicker.



    Fried Potato

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I'm a simple minded person , so i have a question.

Is your mind so weak to get brainwashed by something you cant even read on any level of your consciousness ?
Or how is that possible in the first place , if you dont know what the message says ?
And finally , if they were illegal , i doubt anyone would have made gif-editing programs able to set the timing of changing layers , be so fast that it would be considered brainwashing , dont you think ?



    Couch Potato

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i don't know if this is the right forum to tell this but.... kindly check HONGGANE authored by Hwang Miri..Vol.10 Ch 3.... i thinks its not the continuation of the story... the characters are different...

appreciate the effort... :)

Edited by annihilator, 05 February 2012 - 12:03 PM.

...m y a l t e r e g o...

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    Fried Potato

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It most certainly is the wrong part of the forum, I suggest you make a new thread in the QA board
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Favorite Manga: Record of Fallen Vampire, Hayate the Combat Butler, Kekkaishi
Main reason: Akabara Strauss and plot/story flow, Tennousu Athena arc/Katsura Hinagiku, Kidoin Nura and story flow



    Couch Potato

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thanks soranokira.... i will.....

...m y a l t e r e g o...

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