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Primary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Secondary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Squares Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles

Impromptu poetry!

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    Couch Potato

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Worlds in the making

Far-flung fields and distant mountains breaking

Watch as the earth crumbles beneath

As the clear sky's crown topples

And its throne to the hailing clouds bequeathes

The sea with the lightning grapples

Chaos is order, life anathema to creation

For that which is sustained

Must have sustenance

Crackling lava pays penance

To that which it once consumed

As it fades to black, fades to grey

No being shall survive the work of gods today.




The silence sinks into the ground

Mist and smoke pouring through muted geysers

Slowly swirling, to fill the open air

Now heavy with the absence of sound

Beauty in destruction, for foul is fair

And fair is the scale of completion

To be gazed upon by those which began

The final steps of their cosmic plan

As man crumbles through fingers of heavenly clay

No being shall survive the work of gods today.




Hear nature's bell chime sorrowful

In vain hopes of beckoning in the morrow full

Of Gaia's trumpeting walkers and fliers

A dimension wasted, emptied by deniers

O ye greats, she sings, hear my call

Let this once bountiful place be home for all

Once again, o gods, hear me!

But they, the powers that be, laugh and shake

Their maned heads and weathered fists

And say, dear Gaia, you ought your mouth stay

For no beings shall survive the work of gods today.




But look! In the cracks of an erstwhile patch

Of crusted magma, of deadened earth

A tiny sprout, just one, but nonetheless existing

Crawls slowly through the porous dearth

Great lack abounds, but still it pulls

Roots and shoots for the greenest fools

Perhaps one day it shall rise

Its vines spreading, wrapping, entwining

To cover all traces of past demise

To serve as a beacon of light, inviting

Pure life, pure energy, pure will

A pure soul for the reborn earth still

Maybe the gods shall watch on in endless wonder

And on their unbridled actions ponder

Such arrogance to think that life suppressed

Would not return to fight once again

Before the wheels of time do end

Were we not blind to Gaia's grace?

None survived the work of gods, but nay

Tomorrow's story is not written today.

Ravenous Raven

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^That was hella good. Gave me goose bumps. :>



In the deepest depths of earth,

he finds himself alone.


Patient, eager beast of burden

wanting to go home.


Cerberus, the bloodstained hound

who wants death to come faster.


Stands before the gates of hell

awaiting his only master.




    Couch Potato

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^That was hella good. Gave me goose bumps. :>


*tips fedora* thanks :>


A city of dreams awakens from its slumber

Light seeps through gaps, countless in number

Towering, twisting spires of sharpened glass

A fortress waiting while endless seasons pass

Timeless gleaming shards and shining steel

And hanging heat reflected that passersby do feel

Perspiration symbols of their endless toil

Blood underneath the ruthless sun's glare does boil

Networks of streaming traffic like woven threads

Whipping up currents of wind over a sea of heads

Overhead, false birds and metal hawks fly

Taking the paths that man was long denied

Dry clouds and puffs of coiling smoke

Pain in nature's heart the sight does now evoke

Man's quest to let the sprawl spread far

Tolls the doomsday clock deep past its final hour

May such towering structures one day keel

And man to its rightful master once again kneel.

Crouching Bacon

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Really felt the rhythm there. Thanks Vis. O>

Now to respond with a pithy poem of my own, to prevent this from becoming empty spam.



behind the bars to entertain

the Tigers roar for the last time

and forlorn Falcons forget flight

those wanton Wolves with gibbous eyes

stare silent at the waning moon


tonight a different Dream begins


snakes surround a dancing vixen

her sultry shadow inflames their thirst

fangs are bared, the fire grows

the night is alight with burning flesh

morning finds black Sheep and ashes


the concrete jungle is a zoo

Posted Image "Don't make me ship you!"



    Baked Potato

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It a stormy dark night

rain pounding on my window

I dance forever more


Ravenous Raven

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He sees the way I hold myself

He knows my fingers poised

He laughs at every opened wound

He struts when I recoil

He strokes the burning deep inside

He is one more than what I am

He is my shadow archetype

He is the man inside the man




    Fried Potato

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a small voice under skies that deny the eye

your six words prop up my smile

i sputter my weary philosophies and interesting dullness

my voice let loose as from a shotgun

its destination rerouted because of a sudden change in weather

sightless shouting and rain, rain, the rain

i collapse before the cooling footsteps, back to what may be normal

but i'm drowning in an inch of friendship

Ravenous Raven

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Three times ten - what then?

Divide by four? What a bore.

Homework is pointless.



Guess what I was doing when I came up with this one. :/



Gaiety and laughter

Turns to heavy-hearted sorrow

Love, hate, burn the world




    Potato Sprout

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I searched through trains and empty seats,

Broken buildings and busy streets,

I looked for her, with all I could,

To say to her all that I should.

I rounded corners, I knocked on doors,

I looked in windows, I walked on floors,

Lonely platforms, auburn skies,

Unsent letters, and tired eyes.


Here I am, looking still,

Looking as lookers will,

This city, your favourite kind of grey,

In the rain, is washed away.

Stubborn sorrows, they still stay,

Grasping me, until today.

I wonder, if I ever cross your mind,

Or concerning me, you're still blind,

It matters not, matters of days passed,

Letters written, pictures trashed.


Though in this city, you no longer are,

I'll look for you, in every star,

Even if I don't find you soon,

I'll think of you, when I see the moon,

These are my days, such are my nights,

I have all wrongs and no more rights.

I will not tire, I will not grieve,

She did not die, she did not leave.



    Couch Potato

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A day borne aloft by sun and breeze
There're no days as normal as these
But for the gate bell's striking tone
That marks our savior's welcome home.
Gathering crowds line the ramparts high
The air filled with their joyful cries
Tolling and rolling, the knolls do sing
The people's thanks for everything.
A lost explorer, a prince in the north
Whose exploits more than proved his worth
Victorious, standard bearer of the fore
His triumphant figure shall explore no more.
Petals falling with gleaming pink
Into his hands the shower does sink
High overhead, the flowers fall
Manifest cheers to one from all.
Yet when he opens his blackened glove
The symbol of their lifting love
Once bright mauve, the color of the day
Turns brown and black in death and decay.
He looks up, and his blue eyes know
The foolish many who greet him so
Shall regret that those who let him in
Had committed such a negligent sin.
For the north had changed him, turned him cold
A spark of evil from tales of old
And as are slammed open the palace doors two
The council gathered perhaps know so too.
But the old king, sat atop the throne
Can only see blood of his own
And with open arms and open heart
He welcomes him, so long spent apart.
The savior stabs his sword into the floor
His skull-masked guardians snap shut the door
He rises, and on spike-capped knee
He proclaims, "Father, I am here to replace thee."
The red carpet turns grey with ice and ash
The young man's voice rings loud and brash
The sword that controls his feverish mind
In it the man release shall find.
That who he once called father and king
Shall no longer hear the sparrows sing
For the blade that captured his erstwhile son
It and his bloodied heart become one.
Those that accompanied the cold usurper
Spread and lash out in equal fervor
Soon the council are but old men slain
Their last moments filled with misery and pain.
With a flick of his finger, the undead are beckoned
The hapless defenders with their might are reckoned
The innocent slaughtered, turned one of their own
The once mighty place stripped to a city of bone.
The deed is complete - none are left alive
Destruction so thorough there shall be no revive
The soulless roar, walls ringing with their power:
"Our Lord, King Arthas, Lordearon is ours."

Ravenous Raven

Ravenous Raven

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Back to back are you, him, and me

Close enough to feel but not to see

One soul together was split apart

and placed inside each of our hearts


Does that make us brothers?

Same soul behind different shutters

not family, not blood, so what are we?

just one soul, inside of three


He is the Might, who saves the day

You are the Magic, who wills things your way

I am the Mirth, who knows how to play


Yes, we are three who shun the earth

Strong Might, bright Magic and useless Mirth


Ravenous Raven

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My shadow's full of silence

Your shadow's full of noise

Clip clop clip clop

and tipy-toed poise


You try to run away

from unrelenting dangers

but you're too heavy

because your shadow's full of strangers

Edited by Ravenous Raven, 25 May 2014 - 04:55 AM.




    Baked Potato

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Back to light I once came

To the space of nothing slain

To the evil in the eye

from the place I must die


Back to the darkness from I ascent

To be kill from many cent

to the red-stained justice hand

from the place I was brand


My Death is my

My Life is my

My Past is my

My Present is my

My Future is my


Everything is/was my




    Potato Spud

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crumble the dope bud, tossing it to a bin
Hounds again, as the parrot's kiss. Lips red as sin
layers of smoke

the water on fire

a black butterfly resides in my heart.


music, loud & barebone.
Piss' a thousand on her grave

its the end

more the shame

Even now, this body still knows her flirt.



    Fried Potato

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As dared:


Ravenous Raven

by osakaki


There's a girl I know who'll take any dare

Raven is her name, and red-eyed is her stare

She's friendly and artistic, and she'll write many words

Despite her nickname, she's not one for the birds

But if of her wrath you need a reminder

Go to California and find a hunter's green binder



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"I would rather choose the sin of loving you than the happiness without."

the words unspoken.

A fools oath for onlooker it may,

yet hold more truth than one can say.

To have known no resolution in realising this dream,

is the regrets for the things incomplete.

To have not seen the importance of what was once valued,

is the punishment for not choosing to offer you my everything.

Oh cruel angel, if a dare say,

blessed me with thy mercy

of how painfully aware of powerless one can be.

When one can do no more,

One can only believe that there is a way

to find my way back to you.



    Couch Potato

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  • Locationsleeping on a cloud

sucked into my consciousness

hatred manifest 

appearance changes

aurora changes

thirst to fight emerges

madness occurs


run amok whilst 

a laugh like none other is burst out!

so much pain and suffering all led to this moment

my blood is boiling my nerves are rioting

im in a state of mind yet not in the way i would have liked to achieve

my body is filled with energy, my cold stare is set on devouring 

my fist feel light and fast like lightning 

 my kicks carry the force to bring down ice bergs

lost in the boarder between sane and insanity

drunk with power, drowning in sadness

dissolving into particles, disappearing into

nothingness my mind is collapsing

falling at the speed of a meteor 

i reach out my hand, someone

grabs it and i awaken from what 

seems to be a nightmare but when i

look around i only see the aftermath that my self hatred 

has caused and the destruction i left behind yet

my spirit has been purified and my mind is at peace ^^

Edited by curlyboyPrince~, 14 June 2014 - 07:00 PM.

Ravenous Raven

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            Time and time again

I wanted you to stop

but you were desensitized

it was like your morals had vaporized

your hatred had corporealized

and frankly, I was mystified

so hard I wish you would've realized

how badly you've left us brutalized

but your heart is fully crystallized

and I can't get through

but in a way I'm glad

the last thing I'll see

is you.

Edited by Ravenous Raven, 14 June 2014 - 07:51 PM.




    Baked Potato

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The Human Machine


The human mind is like a machine

Filled with cogs and gear that turns the blazing Mind

Codes upon codes of binary codes numbers consist of  Zeros and Ones

So Think 




Use all what the mind can conjure from every cables linking up to brain 

to the very fuel it  feeds on.


The Human mind is a machine

It require maintenance 

it require knowledge

it require care


I watched world, see it for all it glory and gore.

I watched towers piercing the starry night sky.

I watched war takes it tolls across nations.


I fear for the worst. I see the Mind corroding away.

I see kids as old as 10 year of human life span. 

Staring at screens, televisions, computer, and smart phones.

So much potential for the Mind to grow!


But at last, the Mind is growing numb being hand fed information.

The young machines lives in age where the Mind can barely grow, information just the tip of their finger tips.


They failed to see, the beauty of the outdoor, to wonder how other machines works, how does those bird flies? What lurks beneath Depth of the Ocean floor? Energies more efficient fuels! 

It make my Mind screech in pain and agony to see Mind of the new models decay.


The human mind is a machine

I stop my little one from staring at the screens or smartphones, computer, internet, and televisions.

I tell force them to go update at the Archive, filled with Books!

That how my Mind process in the old days, before the Raise of the Internet.

My mechanical function is deteriorating, but my Mind is

my weapon

my shield,

my strongest firewall and antivirus is as strong and sharp as a diamond blade 

Books are the fuels needed for the Mind to grow!

Mother Nature are inspiration force the Mind to wonder!


To think for themselves, question the sources in which the information is given.


The Human Mind is a machine

So I tell you all now

To stop reading this

and go out

go explore

go run

Go explore your Mind!


(Worse slam poem ever (T.T) )

Edited by Supreme_Lurker_Primo, 14 June 2014 - 09:02 PM.


Ravenous Raven

Ravenous Raven

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You were so beautiful in that moment

that I swear

the stars were gazing at you.
