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Batoto will be closing permanently

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    Potato Sprout

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God this is OneManga all over again, its sad to see you go. Bro you have sacrificed enough we understand, although it's sad. I just wanted to say thank you for everything you have done for this seven years, it was a fun ride.

In this world where truth and lies clash and trust can shatter like glass where does one stand or walk away?.

Lies can become truth when everybody beilieves it and truth becomes lies when nobody accept it.

While some forge evidence to solidify the others lack evidence to consolidate the truth



    Potato Sprout

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This is incredibly saddening to hear but at the end of the day it is time you finally got some well deserved rest for all your hard work. Your site introduced me to so many new manga and I’ve spent countless hours for years now reading manga on this site. It’s going to be sad seeing this site go but above all, thank you for having such an incredible site for many of us to read manga in! Godspeed, Grumpy.

Holy Ordos

Holy Ordos

    Potato Sprout

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Feels bad. TY for the hardwork. Hope someone’ll take over and we’ll see the bright future



    Potato Sprout

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Why not just give control to some one else instead of feeding your big ego and shutting the site down?

If I was in their shoes I’d rather kill off something I spent 7 years of my life (plus a good portion of my social life) with my own hand than let someone else run it into the ground. Atleast I know I put a lot of effort into something and ended it in my own terms.

Also thanks for the good years my friend I don’t think there was a time I was logged out of this sight for longer than a few hours to be honest.
I wish you well and hope this experience helps shape greater things you may create



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    Potato Spud

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Wow, this is sudden. But it's been a great run, I've come to this site daily for years now. Thanks for everything. I'll miss this site.




    Potato Sprout

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No No No No :(

Also regardless of my denial, thank you for your amazing work so far


Today I realized one thing I haven't realized how six years have passed:


Member Since 21 Sep 2013

Edited by qbeec, 08 January 2018 - 09:20 PM.



    Potato Sprout

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It's a shame that you are closing down this site since this is my favorite scanlation site, but I suppose you can't help it if you don't have the will to keep the site going.  Pity that I won't have time to finish all the manga I started before the site shuts down.  I guess I'll have to find a new site.  Does anybody know of a good manga site like this one that doesn't have many viruses lurking around?



    Potato Sprout

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ist sad but thank you very much for all this time and this wonderful time go on a Long vacatation to clear your mind thank you. :)



    Potato Spud

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Does this mean we can start uploading troll releases for the bots to copy to their sites and make them waste some time?



    Potato Sprout

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Who and what do I have to sacrifice to get this website to survive?

Does it actually run on goat blood?


I will pillage farms if it means keeping Shiori Experience alive somehow.



    Potato Sprout

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Wow. Please tell me this is a "fake news".


Well, I just wish we go another manga reader website just like bato.to.

Please do let me know if anyone willing to raise the flag again.


And thanks for wonderful time.



    Potato Sprout

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where should i go if there is no batoto? :( .. I've been reading on here since the first time I found this site.

Thx for everything. I hope u have a good vacation.


btw any good site like bato.to? if anyone can recommend me. please message me. thx

Edited by sponx, 08 January 2018 - 09:05 AM.



    Potato Sprout

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Thanks for everything, it's a sad thing but life uh find a way.



    Potato Sprout

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*cries tears of blood*



    Potato Sprout

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You did one heck of a job, feel proud and good luck! Thanks for this great site.



    Potato Sprout

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Thank you for the years you sent building and watching this website and community grow.

M a T_T e O

M a T_T e O

    Potato Sprout

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Is a sin. The Big Batoto are closing, a piece of scanlation world is dead.

I understand u so well, man :/ pls, enjoy urself from now on!!
You all did a GREAT job!



    Potato Sprout

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As someone who has been around since 2011, who saw onemanga go down in flames, who saw the Company essentially shatter against the forces of Naver: this has been long overdue.

The internet is a very different place then it was seven years ago, and the scanlation scene (especially for manwha) is in a mush different position then i was then.


Thanks, it's been a long ride, and i've enjoyed it. Now i hope you find something you find worthwhile, while not having it smother you. <3



    Potato Sprout

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I've been lurking on this site for several years now, it's truly sad to see you gone.

While it's (emotionally) hard to accept, I can understand your reasons for shutting the website down instead of passing it on, and wish you the best of luck in your future. Thanks for keeping Batoto as THE high quality manga website until the end.