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Batoto will be closing permanently

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    Potato Sprout

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To everybody wondering why Grumpy isn't just handing the torch to somebody else or hiring more sysadmins, it's not a matter of trust or not finding anybody. I've discussed this with Grumpy myself several times. There's more to running a site like this than just keeping up with visitor demand. The details are brutal, and "more help" won't solve the biggest problems and stress causers behind the scenes.

Grumpy deciding to shut down the site instead of just dumping the problems on other people is well within his rights, and though it hurts me knowing the only place I've read manga (except on my ipad, which hate batoto for some reason) will be closing, I'll send Grumpy off with a smile and a wave, hoping that he lives a damned good life from now on for giving us this site for as long as he did.


As some one who knows how to run a database heavy site that serves content though, reading Grumpy's description of his life of the past 7 years puzzles me. No site should need one person's 24/7 support reagrdless of what part of the system we're talking about, and Batoto is not fully unique in the type of content it serves, though I cannot comment on the backend because it sounds strange to me that it takes this much effort. I'm not saying its easy, but it should be sane. Unless this is about handling DMCAs and other non-system related administration, though I don't see why one person has to do all of it either.


I still think you guys should hand off the site to someone else. If "someone else" fails at continuing the site to an appropriate standard, under a new label if necessary, at least an attempt was made. Take that as an offer if you like, I would be willing to discuss doing it, though I'm sure there are plenty of interested parties.

Edited by DLRevan, 08 January 2018 - 01:14 AM.



    Potato Sprout

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Batoto has been amazing. Thanks for everything!



    Potato Spud

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I joined in 2012 and can honestly say I never thought a day would come when batoto wasn't around. I never put too much thought to the people running this site and I now deeply regret that. Thank you for running this site that introduced me to manga 5 years ago. I have read so many series here and will miss this place that I visited daily often multiple times a day. I wish you success in your future endeavors.

Thanks again for an amazing 5 years •﹏•



    Potato Sprout

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I understand how time consuming it is. Is it possible that you could just sell the website to somebody else, though?



    Potato Sprout

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This came as a shock to me as a reader and scanlator. Bato.to has been an amazing website. Thank you for creating it, and good luck!

Sgt. Bothari

Sgt. Bothari

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Thank you for your work, thank you for your sacrifice. Thank you for providing a place where it was possible to take a brief break from harsh reality.


Your site was my introduction to Manga, and I've come to truly enjoy it.


I wish you well, and am very sorry to see this go away.



    Potato Sprout

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Thanks for the great times.



    Potato Sprout

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thanks for all these years, this will always be my favorite manga site

take care ^^



    Russet Potato

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Love this site so much and have been using it for years. So sad to see it go, but wow all the stress you have had with it! Thanks for sticking with it for so long. Good luck IRL , you're awesome and thank you so much for all you've done all these years! <3 

lol roll lol



    Potato Sprout

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It's all ogre now.



    Potato Sprout

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Thank you and fare well.





    Potato Spud

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I'll miss batoto. Thanks for maintaining the quality of the releases. I guess now I only have scanlators sites and madokami

Christine Guinn

Christine Guinn

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Shocked and saddened to hear this. I believe this was the best scanlation site on the internet.



    Potato Sprout

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Thanks for everything.



    Potato Sprout

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Thank you for your service for all these years :Salute:. Rest well soldier




    Potato Sprout

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Thank you so much for all those years of impeccable service (at least for me :)). It was a very responsive and complete website, but your life is much more important than all of this.

Good luck on whathever's coming next for you.



    Potato Sprout

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Thank you Grumpy, Batoto was already a part of my daily life before I even realize it, but I did enjoy every minute spent here for the past few years. Good bye and take care. 

Knight K

Knight K


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being here since 2013 I'm super grateful for this site ... it was such a nice place to talk about series and read them to, I met knew people even have the chance to help for some time in a scanlation group ... I'm pretty thankful to bato.to, going to be sad when I try to to enter here for some days after the end u.u



    Potato Sprout

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I don't come on Batoto that much anymore, but it was a great way to find new and interesting manga to read. Thank you so much for all you've done these past few years!



    Potato Sprout

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Because of admin tiredness we are loosing one of the handiest manga resources in the web. And because of the admin unwillingness or something private he don't want to hand down the business to someone else, just want to burn down the case. Like it will soothe the pain this site caused - that what I read from the top post.

As I said earlier this site is super handy when it invloves to find copyright-uncensored manga. You can subscribe to series and always be in touch with your favorite manga. It's quite a luxury among free manga reader sites now. No wonder it's a shock to lose something like that (for me as well). At first glance on the news I thought the lawsuits reached this safety island after all. But instead I'm reading this soap.

So, shutting down the site just because "it's hell-of-a-work to maintain it!" is quite a selfish decision, that's my point.

lul. He might be selfish, but you're even more selfish than him.