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Batoto will be closing permanently

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    Potato Sprout

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Fuck I dunno how quick I was to make an account but I've been using this site for over a quarter of my entire life...

Really sucks to see it go.




 I beg that the community understands this difficult decision I've made.


This was the saddest sentence though, you don't need to feel like that and you sure as hell don't need to beg us for anything.


Good luck with your life 'n stuff.



    Fingerling Potato

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It's a damn shame that the world has effectively led to the death of this place :( tis a shitty thing to hear shortly after the start of a new year.


especially as it will now be impossible for me to find updates of quality to all of my series and I dread the number of series that will be dropped as a result of the small groups crumbling under the pressure of rampant theft by the damned aggregator sites...


Grumpy it was a pleasure to be with you and I hope you live a much happier and healthier lifestyle after you move on to the next big thing :3 you were a great host and didn't deserve to have to deal with all the shit that running a site had thrust upon you. 


I can screenshot my follows list I guess so it's not a massive issue, the real issue would be figuring out in the future just where I left off xD



    Potato Sprout

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Thank you, and Goodbye.



    Potato Spud

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... Im in shock...



    Potato Sprout

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Very sad to hear the site is closing down. Batoto has been my go-to manga website since 2013. Not only because it's clean (even without Adblock), has quality scans and lets me follow series (just like onemanga did), but mostly because it respects the scanlators so much. This site made me realize the work these groups/individuals put into the scans and I thank you for making me see that.

I was never active on the forums, but I always enjoy reading the comments on the series pages and have (though rarely) posted there. It is truly unfortunate to see the website and it's community go, but after reading how much you have sacrificed these past 7 years I can totally understand why you'd want to part from it.
Just hope one or more of the staff members is planning to take up the torch.



    Fingerling Potato

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This hurt me way more than I thought it would hurt. All the fun, frustrating, endearing and emotional times I've spent reading and sharing with others these last years... Gone.

It's not a decision for me to make, much less for me to judge, but know that the only thing I can feel from this news is just sadness.

I hope you get your well-earned repose. Maintaining this wonderful place for such a long time must have been so taxing, I can't really imagine the full extent of its burden.


I will miss batoto. I will miss you, guys. For all the effort you put through all this time, thanks. Deeply appreciated.

The soil of a man's heart is stonier. He grows what he can, and he tends it. 



    Potato Sprout

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This...is really sad. I might not read much manga anymore lol. Thank you for giving us so much of your time and resources, best wishes.


Thank you for making me think about the scanlators, in particular. I wish mangaupdates could still link directly to their sites.

Edited by sehn, 08 January 2018 - 12:00 AM.



    Potato Sprout

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Thank you for all your hard work on the site. Batoto for life 



    Potato Sprout

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Because of admin tiredness we are loosing one of the handiest manga resources in the web. And because of the admin unwillingness or something private he don't want to hand down the business to someone else, just want to burn down the case. Like it will soothe the pain this site caused - that what I read from the top post.

As I said earlier this site is super handy when it invloves to find copyright-uncensored manga. You can subscribe to series and always be in touch with your favorite manga. It's quite a luxury among free manga reader sites now. No wonder it's a shock to lose something like that (for me as well). At first glance on the news I thought the lawsuits reached this safety island after all. But instead I'm reading this soap.

So, shutting down the site just because "it's hell-of-a-work to maintain it!" is quite a selfish decision, that's my point.

Federico Granchi

Federico Granchi

    Potato Sprout

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What can I say? Im shocked and I don't know how I will read manga after this site is closed but Im really grateful to all the work that you've done in these years!



    Potato Sprout

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Its been a good 6 years, thanks for everything



    Potato Sprout

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As a fairly new user, sucks to hear this. But still, letting go is just part of life.

The time i've been here was really amazing, and aside from the scanlators sites, this was the place where I felt more at ease to follow releases.


Thanks for starting this in first place and, sincerely, best luck with everything as you move on!

Edited by Kyeron, 08 January 2018 - 12:02 AM.



    Potato Sprout

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Thank you for the work you put into it, and best of luck in life



    Potato Sprout

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Best of luck in your future endeavours Grumpy.



    Potato Sprout

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I've been a member since dec 12, 2015. Thank you for creating this wonderful site!!! When/How can we export our follows list? Mine's over 200.

Edited by AdraX, 08 January 2018 - 12:04 AM.



    Potato Sprout

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At first I was angry, but now reading all I can just say... you are doing the right thing. I've done the same as you many years ago, closing a forum that was a big part of my life. So take care and thanks for all the fish!



    Potato Sprout

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awww i just joined this site and I really enjoy the style of this site



    Potato Spud

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Man, this is actually quite a bad news from me. The government blocked a lot of manga website and I read most of my manga in here... I will miss batoto ;A;



    Potato Sprout

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I wish you all the best in your future endeavors and thank you very much for everything!



    Potato Sprout

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Member Since 03 Jun 2012


It's been great. I guess I'll see you on the other side.