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Normal dude protagonist miraculously survives life death situations


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    Potato Sprout

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I'm looking for a certain manga set in the modern day where a seemingly normal guy stumbles and trips his way through a multitude of highly lethal events. It's later revealed that he does actually die every time, but he has some kind of power that finds him an alternate universe where he doesn't die and then connects him to it. It's something like that at least. If I could remember more I'd probably be able to find the manga myself. Sorry. Any help or attempt to help is appreciated though.

Edited by GamerTai, 02 October 2017 - 09:17 PM.



    Potato Spud

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similar to Re:Zero , it match if you follow the web novel though ?

Truth is something to be conjured , seeked , shared , confirmed , or sometimes just given to us , with or without condition . And sometimes it take hundreds of years to confirm 1 single truth . 



    Potato Sprout

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In a sense, but it's not like there was any time loop shenanigans going on. It was more like if the protag was about to be shot, a nearby fish tank would explode next to the shooter knocking them down or a sign would fall upon the gunman's head. The protagonist just got really, really lucky over and over again due to his alternate timeline probability power. I also remember reading the story a fairly long time ago. Probably two years or more. I don't think it's a popular manga or anything either, I've only ever seen people talk about it once, which is part of the reason why I'm having trouble finding it.



    Russet Potato

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In a sense, but it's not like there was any time loop shenanigans going on. It was more like if the protag was about to be shot, a nearby fish tank would explode next to the shooter knocking them down or a sign would fall upon the gunman's head. The protagonist just got really, really lucky over and over again due to his alternate timeline probability power. I also remember reading the story a fairly long time ago. Probably two years or more. I don't think it's a popular manga or anything either, I've only ever seen people talk about it once, which is part of the reason why I'm having trouble finding it.


I feel like I've also read this before, but IIRC the author/artist either retired or changed their occupation.  If there's a manga I stopped reading that has been serialized and is in non-dropped status, that's most likely the case.

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Challenge: Try to find out the secret under this spoiler.
