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Secondary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
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finding name for this manga/manwha

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    Potato Sprout

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I read it few years ago in english and would like to read it again, but i don't remember the name of it

Most likely it was fan translated

It was about young man who had some kind of curse. He had at night time some sort of handcufs that would prevent him shape shifting to a wild animal some sort - ears and tails, long nails and feroucious
He was told that wizard/sorcerer/mage would be able to help him so he searched that wizard and found him
Wizard told him that the curse would be removable with err some item and/or ingredients
Together they left for journey
At the beginning, before they left for journey, wizard uncuffed the other as he was curious what would happen. Of course the other one changed and i think the wizard seduced him. So it's bl?

If my memory is right, the manga i had wasn't completed

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