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Released chapter discussion of fairy captivity.

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    Baked Potato

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I wasn't sure if Cool_Otamegane wanted that thread to be for this or not.  But it seemed to want to talk about a specific topic


There was two aspects in ch189 that have me confused.


     Why keep it a secret that the MC has two personalities in him? No matter how I look at it, I can find no motive at all to keep that a secret. Even if they keep it a secret the specifics behind that (and I am not sure why they would do that either) it's still simple enough just to tell them of the dual personalities.  It also helps resolve the distrust and anger they have with him and helps them understand how to handle the situation if it ever happens again. Unless the point is that they don't trust him, so that they are willing to kill him if they can if the other personality comes again? But he's so powerful that getting the MC personality back is their best bet anyway.



     With p18, how come the fight atmosphere between those two?



    Potato Sprout

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Yue hu doesn't want anyone to know about his split personality because he wants them to think he's perfectly fine as long as he doesn't strain himself. "A side effect from his powers" can go away quickly, but how long does this alternate personality last? Evidently long enough to kill a lot of people. Even if his friends would be fine with it, knowing about Filius means that they have to keep it a secret from the rest of the rebels as well. 


And the fighting atmosphere between them is because 1) Lin mi hates Fei liai for keeping so many secrets (and being a fairy) and 2) Both of them want Yue hu for themselves.

Edited by liger03, 03 October 2017 - 09:09 PM.



    Baked Potato

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Well they live a life of keeping secrets. Why is it a problem for the rest of the rebels to know of him being two people in one?



    Baked Potato

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Oh boy, he's about to join his consciousness with the other fairies, have those two completely forgotten that he has a second very volatile destructive personality trapped within him? I can easily seeing him getting free with this, maybe getting a independent second body. Not good.



    Potato Sprout

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Oh boy, he's about to join his consciousness with the other fairies, have those two completely forgotten that he has a second very volatile destructive personality trapped within him? I can easily seeing him getting free with this, maybe getting a independent second body. Not good.

I assume he dealt with Filius on ch.185.