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Error 524 when uploading a chapter

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    Potato Sprout

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Hello, today is the second time I've encountered this HTTP Error. I forgot how I did it the first time but that's not the case anymore.


I tried to upload a chapter with the size of 20MB (idk why but I feel the need to mention the file size). I have cleared cookies and cache, using different browsers again and again, and it just didn't work.

Even when the upload had reached 100%, it gave me this:

Attached File  Screen Shot 2017-08-28 at 23.39.26.png   236.21KB   0 downloads


When I tried to use add_chapter_lite: https://gyazo.com/b024360df977d0f48c3871647e2948b1


I even decreased the file size to 8MB, but it was the same: nothing worked.


I was tired of trying (and because I had to do other things) so I gave it several hours...

And it magically worked, even though after the upload reached 100%, it was taking longer than usual to finish the upload. Crossing my fingers while watching it happened does work wonders.


Aaand I have to upload one more chapter for a different title... but now, I'm back to square one. Same Error 524 keeps on showing...


I don't want to give it another several hours. I don't understand why I have to do it in the first place. I hope there's other way to fix this, other than time.


Please help me, knowledgeable beings!





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Error 524 is an error that's caused between the front end (cloudflare) and our back end servers and the fault of it is usually due to servers being busy. But our upload server isn't recording high usage last 24hrs, so I kind of want to blame CF, but it's one of those things which you can never really be sure where the fault lies.


I can provide an alternative solution to the uploader by using the light version: http://vatoto.com/add_chapter_lite

It has less communications going back and forth, so it has a chance of alleviating the issue.

Just note that you need to manually type in IDs for it instead of a select field.


If all else fails, remote upload should theoretically solve the problem.


I hope that solves it for you & sorry for the inconvenience.



    Potato Sprout

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Thank you very much for the reply.


As I stated in my first post, I've tried using add_chapter_lite but it didn't work.

I haven't tried using remote upload so I'll try it sometime later, since I've given several hours I tried again using the usual uploader and it worked.

I hope I won't face this problem again in the future...


I will go back to this post if the remote upload works.

