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Primary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Secondary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Squares Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles

[ Upload Failed. ]

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    Baked Potato

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Hello, I need help with uploading. This isn't the first time I uploaded nor was it the last time I uploaded. I have been trying to upload two chapters for Cherry Tomato. I tried using different browsers, I have Microsoft Edge and Google Chrome. I tried using different account, I have two. One was the group's account [ Here ], and one was my own personal usage one [ The one I'm using right now ]. They both gave me this message:

Attached File  -10.PNG   12.87KB   0 downloads

I filled up every required fields. If you need video proof, please let me know so I can show you it. (I prefer not to share it publicly / voice )

Edited by ROTFLMAOMAGNETS, 22 June 2017 - 12:48 AM.
moved from GCHS

Third year of college


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    Robot Maid

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have you tried suggested solutions from similar threads in the support subforum?
the old(er) issue was with the group choice sometimes not getting stored and the solution for this was either to refresh-the-page-and-retry or select another group and then select back the intended one, both repeated until they'd click; a few people also reported that for them it was more likely to occur during high site traffic hours
the newer one is with chrome possibly having flash issues
^if it's this one you could try using the remote upload
only four fields are required (comic, 1st group, language, chapter file), with the language always being selected, the title one usually having already been selected from accessing the uploading page via specific comics, and only the group one starting with "select something" + seeming to have an at-the-selection check for storing the choice


怒りの鉄拳!正義の鉄拳! 悪を打ち砕くために ijqDjd4OWWdmm.gif

<Daktyl button>

Habit: moving off-topic talks to this thread

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    Baked Potato

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have you tried suggested solutions from similar threads in the support subforum?
the old(er) issue was with the group choice sometimes not getting stored and the solution for this was either to refresh-the-page-and-retry or select another group and then select back the intended one, both repeated until they'd click; a few people also reported that for them it was more likely to occur during high site traffic hours
the newer one is with chrome possibly having flash issues
^if it's this one you could try using the remote upload
only four fields are required (comic, 1st group, language, chapter file), with the language always being selected, the title one usually having already been selected from accessing the uploading page via specific comics, and only the group one starting with "select something" + seeming to have an at-the-selection check for storing the choice


Thank you for the help. I went into my chrome settings and found out that it was disable oddly. So I re-enable it and it works now.

Third year of college


groups I work for:
