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Herbivores, carnivores, the other meanings. appetites, and how it plays out.

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    Baked Potato

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*spoilers here*



In chapter 32, Lagosi has put Haru in mortal danger, not from himself, but from Juno.


     This comic seems to also play on the other way carnivore and herbivore terms are used in Japans society.  A herbivore as the japanese term works is a passive person, especially in the sexual sense, especially used for males, they expect the females to reach out to them, usually used as a insult by woman to men, to say they aren't machismo enough.  Well I am hardly a expert on japanese culture and only know a smigen of japanese from effort to learn with watching animes, but from animes, from mangas, and from translated interviews on youtube, this is the picture I have gotten. So logically carnivore as other meaning would mean someone aggressive and go getter, especially in sexual matters.


     Juno is a carnivore in that sense, and Lagosi a herbivore (with a carnivore inside him wanting to burst out, presumably. But his character is too strong for that).  Haru is a undefinable free spirit, she's assertive in sexual matters, but doesn't seek them out. She doesn't have much ambition, but she's not shy in protecting and asserting her corner of the world. Louisi aggressively seeks his goal of becoming Beaster, it bothers him to see someone like Lagosi seemingly wasting his potential, and even has a grudging respect in his contest over Haru with Lagosi, a contest only he fully knows about. Louisi eshewed all romantic notions till he met Haru.  So Louisi isn't exactly a carnivore by the other defition, but definitely not a herbivore either.


     The other matter the story explores IMO is how similiar appetite, fight (as in fight or flight adrenaline), and sexual desire are to each other, all being base instincts to act toward something in a uncontrolled way.  Humans sometimes get these mixed together, so clearly the author figures humanoid other animals (since humans are animals, not sure why the phrasing of the comic is that of "animals" instead of "people", which is closer to what the author writes?) would really get them mixed together, and has explored that a fair amount in the plot so far.


     Back to Juno and Haru. Even if Lagosi could make it clear to Juno that he would never ever get romantically involved with Haru (alot of things preventing that from happening, including that such might not be so certain anymore), it's clear Haru has his heart. Haru stands in the way of Junos sex, by consuming Juno, Haru could see herself as eventually satisfying both drives in a single stroke. Granted it wouldn't work like that, even if Haru could hide any hint of her culpibility of the the murder from Lagosi, his heart would still be crushed and would not so easily settle on Juno, Lagosi is more complex than Juno gives him credit for (like Lousis alluded to, he wasn't just speaking of Haru I think) Also, Junos character is such that she probably (see next paragraph) would not easily fall to such horrible acts.  Still, It's clear that Juno is a carnivore in more than one sense of the word, and it will seem to her that all that stands between her and her greatest wish (seems she desires Lagosi even more than being beaster, maybe wants to become beaster for getting Lagosi)  is a little rabbit named Haru. Junos passion means great danger for Haru I think. Junos seeming gentle, considerate, nature may possibly be just a facade for her beaster ambitions, note how her change in personality was noted by some. Not only that, Haru being a potential obstacle is a shocking revolation to her, Juno might convince herself of various actions being morally justifiable to put a stop to what she sees as a immoral love connection between wolf and rabbit (so much easier to convince herself of it being immoral with Haru being in the way). I see in comments talk about Bill using all this somehow, but I think even Bill will be shocked at the lengths Juno will finally find herself using and will eventually side against her (probably initially allie up with her but then when she wants to go one step too far for even Bill...)


      I am not predicting this, but I would not be at all surprised if the killer turned out to be Juno, maybe she was making a opening as a actor as a first step to being Beaster (I forget, was the herbivore killed in the beginning a actor/dancer?) In fact, Juno is the only suspect I can see so far. Bill is too simple and straightforward to be the killer, as well as aggressive but also honest in his own way. He is morally ambiguous, but also draws his lines. I'm sure he could slip and slide eventually, but for now doesn't seem to be the type who would kill under normal circumstances. Also, the author has told us through the Panda that giving into your carnivore desires a little bit helps you hold back from the more severe stuff, (opposite of slippery slop) Panda fits the 'All knowing professor' trope, so we can't dismiss everything he says, even if he's uselessly handing out porn to a school child he wrongly kidnapped in the first place. Panda being right would make Bills culpability ever so much more unlikely. Also, even Bill was initially shocked at the guy selling his fingers as snacks it seemed.


     Juno who is a carnivore in several senses of the japanese word, yet is holding back her direct carnivore nature by all outside appearances. She seemingly is good at deceit and possibly very conniving. What tells me Juno might be the killer is how the story is flowing, it's themes, and where it could go, Juno being the killer absolutely fits with the flow so far, and not anyone else properly introduced so far. I am sure Junos true nature is going to turn out to be much uglier than appearances anyway.

Edited by truepurple, 12 June 2017 - 09:35 PM.



    Potato Sprout

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I could totally see Juno being the killer, but at the same time, with the way her true character has been introduced, I think it would be kind of boring for that to be true. I feel that her character, which I can definitely see being uglier as the story progresses, will be used as a means of growth for Legosi, maybe by her demise.



    Baked Potato

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the way her true character has been introduced

     You mean with her conniving manipulation with the spotlight. as well as alluded to possible fake generosity of spirit, and semi-threatening Louisi? Then there's her vows to to support carnivores, like it's exclusionary of herbivores, and her reaction to learning of the love connection between wolf and rabbit and the prejudice it suggested. Please spell out what "true character" you mean, since from my perspective, they haven't truly shown her "true character" yet, only shown that the face she shows to most is not real.

Edited by truepurple, 17 June 2017 - 07:27 PM.



    Baked Potato

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     Funny how Louisi and Juno both seem to want the same thing from Lagosi, him to be more non-dietary carnivore.  Except Louisi realizes that this is Lagosis true self, and his strength, but also sees it as him taking it too far and wasting his potential. Juno probably just sees it as poor Lagosi, being oppressed by the herbivores, and wants to save him and free him by becoming beastar


     Also, I feel Louisiis a wannabe carnivore,( I don't mean he wants to eat flesh, still with the non-dietary definition)  I would bet that Lousiis adoptive parents are carnivores, or someone who he values/valued greatly was a carnivore (maybe the mysterious person in charge of the theater club). I think Lousisi is is suffering from a inferiority complex in regard to carnivores that he has deeply buried, He sees Lagosi naturally having what he has strived so hard for, power and charisma, but Lagosi seemingly frittering it away, which bothers Louisiis to no end.  But again, I think Louisiis also sees how this is Lagosi's strength too.


I think both Louisi and Juno would give carnivores too much latitude as beaster.

Edited by truepurple, 20 June 2017 - 10:14 PM.



    Potato Sprout

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What I mean my "true character" or rather the introduction of such, is literally what you just mentioned with those examples. Sure it may not reveal the whole part of who she is, but the reader now has an idea of who she truly is. Though I cannot wait to see why she is the way she is. I definitely feel the same way about Louis as well.



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    Well with it up in the air whether or not she could be a cold blooded killer, I would say more than just a "a part" of her character has yet to be shown. But yes, I also look foreward to the revealings on these characters and more.


    I don't get your meaning about it being boring for Juno to turn out to be the killer, would you please elaborate on that? You mean you want the killer to be someone no one would possibly guess as to be the killer right up to the big reveal? If they don't set up some background for it, that type of thing tends to come off as a ass-pull to me; like a game of clue, randomly drawn and because the author says so.


   I'd also note that the increase of predator like murders seems to be systemic, probably not all the work of one individual. It could be copy cat killers. But I suspect there is a secret carnivore society/group pushing for certain things, like carnivores being allowed to be truer to their nature, and I would not be surprised if Juno was a member.

Edited by truepurple, 20 June 2017 - 10:08 PM.



    Potato Sprout

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I simply feel that with the way Juno has been introduced it wouldn't be a surprise. It doesn't have to be some kind of ass-pull. I really just want to see more candidates, and Juno, were to be it I feel that wouldn't be as cool.

I definitely agree with your suspicion of a secret carnivore group, and could totally see Juno being a member. 



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     I can understand what you mean about wanting more candidates. On the other hand while it's very beginnings might have been reminicient of a murder mystery, in no way since then has it been one. A murder mystery might suck with just one suspect for the murder, or a obvious suspect, but since this isn't one... 


I don't get at all what you are saying with "cool" though.

Edited by truepurple, 21 June 2017 - 01:59 PM.