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Enforce a numbering system

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    Potato Sprout

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One of the worst things I have found is that each person/group will do a random numbering of their submissions. Eg vol 1. Ch 2 and then others will do simply chapter 1 or Ch1. The issue is that the lists end up messy and it can be hard to tell on the page if all chapters are there, are in correct order, or what is a new chapter. Stuff like decimal places are not really an issue but when chapter 40 can be at the bottom of the list it gets kinda crazy.



    Equine non grata

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+volume or chapter-only is not an issue. chapters are sorted by separate sorting id (and +/- volume more or less tells you if the chapter is from magazine scans). one unregulated inconsistency I can think of is some webtoons being uploaded with volume numbers intended to mean "seasons", but it doesn't look chaotic on a per-page basis.
the issue is with people refusing to rtfm and/or not applying common sense to check if their uploads are on the proper spot (you're supposed to conform to how the majority of a comic page is sorted already; enforcing happens when bad sorting is found/reported).

also stuff like adding redundant "chapter/capitulo/etc. X" as chapter title when it's not (critical reading failure right here)




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Whoever decided to delete this was an idiot.

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