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System keeps deleting my Follows

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God Ginrai

God Ginrai

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I've had a feeling that the system was occasionally deleting some of my follows for a while, and I finally found an instance where I know it happened.


^ I started reading this manga back when it was still being uploaded onto Batoto, and thus followed it so that I could be made aware of updates. Today was the second time after having finished the series that I have gone to the page only to discover that it had been removed from my Follows without my consent and had to refollow it.

-God Ginrai

Edited by God Ginrai, 10 April 2017 - 09:31 PM.



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Looks like I said I had 757 3 1/2 months ago, and I've got 760 today........yeah, I guess I added three, I never delete anything.


Dunno what the heck you three people (out of 360,000-ish others who aren't having a problem) did to poor Grumpy, but he's (obviously) secretly deleting things off of your lists just to mess with you.........or, you know, something on your end like I mentioned before, seems a lot more likely.

Edited by svines85, 11 April 2017 - 06:57 AM.




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Dunno what the heck you three people (out of 360,000-ish others who aren't having a problem) did to poor Grumpy, but he's (obviously) secretly deleting things off of your lists just to mess with you.........

could you please be less aggressive?

 @topic: if we assume there's an issue with the follows, could also be a database corruption or some maintenance-related hiccup around when you followed it, but these would be more of an one-time thing and likely to be noticed by more people I think... then again, hard to say if or how many more people wouldn't ever notice it happening because of relying on follows to remember for them. or some rare stray bug in IPB that requires some additional conditions to fire (idk, toying with follow/profile settings? some specific edits to the comic page data?) - that one would likely also affect thread/group follows if not for hardly anyone using them.

after digging through a few ancient disappearing follows reports, I got an idea and checked if maybe changing the main comic title (which works as one of IDs) does anything (since the few examples that got mentioned had their initial title changed), but that in itself did nothing to the amount of following users, at least in my test group.




You <3

Whoever decided to delete this was an idiot.

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God Ginrai

God Ginrai

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I've seen the follows list lose track of what chapter I am on numerous times due to the latest chapter I read getting deleted, (normally for v2s... -_-) but the issue where my follows get unfollowed is normally after they have been on my follows list for a period of time, rather than at the time I try to follow it.

-God Ginrai