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Primary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Secondary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Squares Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles

Following Scan Group allows releases to appear in Follow Feed or just a list of Groups you follow

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    Potato Sprout

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Suggestion for the follow button on a Scan Group's page to operate like comic follows, where the group's releases will appear in the Follow Feed. It's convenient for groups that have your taste in manga and/or mainly work on oneshots rather than series. If not, even just a list of Groups you follow in your Profile or Follows page would be convenient.


Topic searching brought up similar topic HERE that was written off as duplicate when it wasn't. Mentioned in #22 on the Overhaul Follows topic but the current Group follow feature, mentioned in the reply, functions differently than what I am suggesting. 


Thanks for your time.

Edited by badapple, 07 April 2017 - 12:42 AM.



    Sweet Potato

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badapple, I'd be shocked that anything like this would be done.....or even could be done from a feasibility point of view. I'm no computer expert, but jeez, it doesn't take much thinking about this to recognize you're talking about adding an entirely new function totally from scratch. Given that this site hasn't done anything even remotely like this in at least a few years, yeah, I wouldn't get my hopes up.


I've got to be honest, there aren't any manga related sites that have any means of actually following scanlation groups......not even informational sites like Manga Updates or My Anime List do that, that's the sort of thing that's going to fall on the reader to work out for themselves by following the group itself's site.


Now if whatever groups you're looking at haven't even bothered making themselves a free blog or even a tumblr page...........well, yeah, not much you can do, bookmark their MU page and their page here and get in the habit of checking them ever so often, that's about all there is.


Love that avi, by the way..........yup, I do love Mami-chan :D

Edited by svines85, 07 April 2017 - 06:45 AM.




    Potato Sprout

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Okay I understand. I unfortunately didn't understand how difficult it would or wouldn't be. Just thought I'd throw a suggestion out there.