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Can anyone help me identify this Tsuki game

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    Potato Sprout

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It looks like a mobile/browser game that is having a colaboration with Tsuki ga michibiku series. But it also look like an original Tsuki mobile games.Other than Mio and Tomoe, i don't recognize the rest of the character. 


Here's the game in question



Found it while i was looking for vol 11 & 12 ln cover




    Potato Sprout

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Uh... if you scroll down, you can see "PC" and "SRPG".

It looks like it's coming out this year's spring (so now?).

And I found some trailer: https://www.gaming-city.com/games/1266

Hope this helps. Also... they might look like unrecognizable characters, but maybe they will be revealed later in the manga (original art from LN?). ^^


P.S:.: I used jisho.org for partial translation of kanjis, since I can't read any japanese.



    Potato Sprout

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its a pc browser game, you can check it here http://tsukimichi-game.alphapolis.co.jp/