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Password Change Help

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    Potato Sprout

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  • LocationOttawa, Ontario

I'm having problems trying to change my password. I keep filling in the blanks correctly multiple times and I always keep getting security key invalid and password doesn't match etc. I keep having to play this game of tag involing having to have mail sent to me giving me to change my password multiple times and I'm not seeing any changes.


Mods. Admins. Please help me. I want to change my password into something I can remember and put this issue to rest already. Please and thank you.



    Babo Kim

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I don't quite understand what you are doing and what does not work. Are you resetting your password or simply changing it under 'My Settings'?


EDIT: While I still don't know what exactly you are doing, try to type everything manually. Copy and paste has a lot of potential to mess things up.

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