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Search in description, not just in the name...

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    Potato Spud

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Right now you can only search only in "Comic Name:" or "Artist name" and predefined tags


It would be great to have an ability to just search description for specified text substring



    Discord King

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Many series have either unreliable descriptions or no description at all. I feel the tag system does an adequate job of conveying anything you might find in the description of a series.


Searching in the description would a add a ton of processing power required for no real benefit imo.

My words are my own, and do not represent Batoto in any way, shape, or form unless otherwise stated in the post itself ^.^



    Potato Spud

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Well, tags are predefined (pretty general ones), users can't even add their own tags...



    Discord King

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You can change the tags on a series, but you cannot add new tags to the database. There is a thread for suggesting new tags to be included.

My words are my own, and do not represent Batoto in any way, shape, or form unless otherwise stated in the post itself ^.^



    Sweet Potato

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This really sounds more like something you'd expect to find on an informational-type site rather than a single-purpose, online reader site like this is.


I know both MU and MAL have something like what you're talking about (neither of which work worth a flip as far as I'm concerned, but that's beside the point), but certainly in the case of Batoto, they've said many times that they're just not out to be a site concerned with providing information, just manga for visitors to read.


You're probably going to be better off using whatever you've already found that's doing this for you than expecting this site to implement it, but good luck with it anyway.

Edited by svines85, 04 April 2017 - 02:07 AM.




    Potato Spud

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This really sounds more like something you'd expect to find on an informational-type site rather than a single-purpose, online reader site like this is.


I know both MU and MAL have something like what you're talking about (neither of which work worth a flip as far as I'm concerned, but that's beside the point), but certainly in the case of Batoto, they've said many times that they're just not out to be a site concerned with providing information, just manga for visitors to read.


You're probably going to be better off using whatever you've already found that's doing this for you than expecting this site to implement it, but good luck with it anyway.


Yea, I think I understand that now (and started looking at mangaupdates info-site),

but still batoto has ratings and views and a search system, it would be a waste to just forget about all that.



    Sweet Potato

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Yea, I think I understand that now (and started looking at mangaupdates info-site),

but still batoto has ratings and views and a search system, it would be a waste to just forget about all that.


Can't say I disagree with you in theory, I personally pitched Batoto improving their (currently existing) comic search function myself before coming to accept it just wasn't gonna happen.............and yeah, I oftentimes go to other sites and use their resources when what I'm looking for is going to be a little harder to find, and then bring the info back here then having what it takes to make finding it through this site's resources a little more do-able :D
