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Security: Fix Privacy Leaks

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    Potato Sprout

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Although bato.to uses HTTPS for webpages (which is good), it doesn't use HTTPS for the comic images.  This means that an ISP (or anyone else snooping on your traffic) will be able to see which comics you're reading by looking at the images you're loading.  This is bad security practice. 


Batoto also uses insecure HTTP for a few other images (like the next and previous page buttons) which isn't as large a privacy concern (since they're present on all comic pages, and thus can't be used to deduce which comics you're reading), but is still bad security practice. 


Can Batoto please implement HTTPS for all images on it's site so that users' private browsing habits are not broadcasted publicly?  I really think it would go a long way to showing how much you care about your users.  Thank you.




    Discord King

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1.) I've already talked to Grumpy about this. The ad networks Batoto uses are slow to adopt https and thus would not show up if we served every page as https. It's much easier to use https everywhere, so as soon as the ad networks upgrade then it'll happen.


2.) I don't see where security comes into play for comics you are reading. Even privacy is stretching it a bit, as there's nothing overly personal that I believe could be gleaned from your comic reading habits; at least nothing that would warrant somebody to be worried about it being private. Feel free to enlighten me on this subject.

My words are my own, and do not represent Batoto in any way, shape, or form unless otherwise stated in the post itself ^.^



    Fried Potato

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What? They, whoever they are, can maybe see what comics my Batoto account, which shouldn't trace back to me in person, is accessing!? This is outrageous! *adjusts tinfoil hat*



    Baked Potato

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What? They, whoever they are, can maybe see what comics my Batoto account, which shouldn't trace back to me in person, is accessing!? This is outrageous! *adjusts tinfoil hat*

Those behind the "Great Firewall" or living under regimes that use "public morality" as an excuse for repression maybe don't want their watchers to know that they are reading "ecchi" titles.