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Concerning Used Goods Purism and Changing Personality.

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    Potato Spud

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So straight up I'm gonna analyze the manga. Maybe put an end to controversy where I can, because I feel like overanalyzing stuff.

So first off we got the MC; He's a purist who wants only virgins and has retreated into the 2d loving logic of an otaku.

So the manga following him is going to be a Healing Journey type where he comes to lose his bias against the more sexually promiscuous females of the world. Yeah he's a piece of shit now and he's objectifying women but it sets a good tone cuz this is what's gonna be changed over time as he becomes better friends with the heroine.

The reason; already we've seen the dude has some early childhood trauma that made him go "not just no but f*** no" to all non virgins. He's reclused to the digital world cuz thats the only place he can truly confirm the girl he's pining after is actually a Virgin without getting hurt. It's his safe zone and it's probably made things worse and deepened his bias cuz now he doesn't look at women at all. But now we got the main heroine showing up and trying to get his affection by being better than his anime Waifu without knowing he totes hates used goods.

I'd say it's a pretty decent plot with a good conflict, secrets and a bit of dark past and drama to work out.

Now onto the Heroine; we know Jack all here. 2 chapters in we've seen her wear some pretty revealing casual clothes and then go to extreme lengths to conform to the MC's preferences in women then challenge to be better than his preferences rather than change him. Her personality is relatively intact when not talking to the MC's as she still acts the vicious dilinquent to anyone but dudebro MC. She's gonna act the woman he wants, but will become the woman he needs. This part is especially where she
People need to pay attention.

If you think for two seconds she's gonna go full circle and play nice like she was never a Yankee or that he's actually gonna fall in love with her "fake self" then please kinda think again, and then unkindly go.....well, let's not say. She's the healing girl in the story that fixes the MC's terrible bias and he'll end up loving her for herself, that much is obvious and please don't say it aint cuz it's totes obv like srsly.

Now onto the big meat and potatoes; Used Goods!

Now I'm hoping here that the author keeps heroine's sex experience a total secret the whole ride through. This adds drama and teases the audience in all the right ways to keep attention. Furthermore the people who most want to know if she is a floozy Suzy or saint screws nobody McAnimeGirl, are totes gonna be the ones who get most invested in this story. If you want her to be revealed a virgin in the end, your probs gonna relate to jerky MC and his delusions and if you want her rumors to be atleast semi true and she's done the do atleast once before then the tease of not knowing if her act is real or not is gonna get ya hooked.

To;dr If this manga already has you caussing a rukus, your probs gonna like it. But remember this floof is fiction so it was written to be dramatic and jank to make people talk about it.

Follow this jank RN cuz virgins in anime are like seriously an overused trope and I'd seriously like to see this manga litterally address that biz.



    Potato Sprout

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Now I'm hoping here that the author keeps heroine's sex experience a total secret the whole ride through. This adds drama and teases the audience in all the right ways to keep attention. Furthermore the people who most want to know if she is a floozy Suzy or saint screws nobody McAnimeGirl, are totes gonna be the ones who get most invested in this story. If you want her to be revealed a virgin in the end, your probs gonna relate to jerky MC and his delusions and if you want her rumors to be atleast semi true and she's done the do atleast once before then the tease of not knowing if her act is real or not is gonna get ya hooked.



Edited by Jaften, 17 April 2017 - 06:32 AM.



    Potato Spud

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dude, they are underage, what the hell are you even saying? It's most normal for boys, AND FOR GIRLS, to want a relationship with someone who still didn't have sex at such an YOUNG AGE!



    Potato Spud

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your analysis of the manga is interesting, but i was expecting you to comment about used goods, purism, and changing personality, rather than just the characters and what you think it means regarding their story.

regardless, i think the whole "pure" mentality is fairly stupid in general. i understand that people can have a fetish about it, but without one its just dumb. its the kind of thing that guys worry about when they are inexperienced for no other reason than they think they might be inadequate lovers. that being said, it doesnt seem to be the issue with the MC. he had trauma, so his deal is understandable.

i dont know about you guys, but this MC girl seems kinda unhinged to me. like, she is willing to change everything about herself just to get this guy to like her based solely on one event where he sorta saved her from a rape once. sounds pretty insane to me.