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Secondary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
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Creating Batoto in other languages

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Kanojo ni Kisu

Kanojo ni Kisu

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Hi, I'm sure, maybe that this was already discussed, but I'm bringing it up again. My readers, and the portuguese/ brazillian speaking community aren't that good in english... so I want to request to add portuguese to the option at the bottom to portuguese, I offer my help to translate everything if you agree, I had this same template on my website a couple of years ago. I also just want to help.
I hope you consider my suggestion. Thanks.


Or an option to translate the website would be nice if possible, with this for example.

Edited by Kanojo ni Kisu, 12 March 2017 - 08:56 PM.



    The Head Maid

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Hi, I'm sure, maybe that this was already discussed, but I'm bringing it up again.....
Or an option to translate the website would be nice if possible, with this for example.

If you are using any browsers, you may find plugins/addon to translate sites not your preferred language....
Don't see the point in translating the site when english is an international language
and if we do this language, then we will eventually need to do it for
other languages......

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