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Batoto comics X button not remembering me clicking it.

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    Potato Spud

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As stated in title the X button on the Batoto comics on top of main page doesn't seem to remember me clicking it to go away.


I have no interest in any of them and yet it keeps coming back and getting in the way. How do I make it go away for good? Is there an option I overlooked? Is it intended? Can we get an option if there is none already?





    Equine non grata

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Clicking it creates a cookie that expires at the end of session. Now, depending on the device you're using (mobile vs computer) and what are your browser's settings, it may stay until you close the browser, stick around indefinitely, disappear as soon as you switch to a different app or never get created in the first place.


Change expiration date to year 2077.


If clicking doesn't work at all for you despite accepting cookies, add a "hide_exclusive" cookie with a value of 1 manually.




You <3

Whoever decided to delete this was an idiot.

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