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What does Hanamori mean?


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    Potato Sprout

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This manga obviously deals with the idea of what it means to love someone. There is the love one has towards the idea of a person and loving who that person is. Jun is a hard blend of both. He loves Hasebe as an idea and with each iteration also comes to love the the Hasebe in front of him. This is made extremely clear with Hasebe now being a guy as well as having a twin sister. Like the author stated, it is almost like a test of how far love towards an idea of a person can be molded to love who the person is. 

The author, however, pulls some punches. This could easily be a much heavier manga that goes into way more detail and a lot more drama with each new Hasebe. Having said that, she does go into test worthy scenarios. There is Hasebe as: someone who restarts her memory everyday, a middle schooler, an older (widowed) married woman, and recently, a guy. 

What Hanamori said has me befuddled, dumbfounded and confused... "I know all too well, thanks to my twin brother. Well, he is also the person I almost gave up on......" Does that mean that in this current universe of Hasebe being a guy, Hanamori's love interest turns out to be her twin brother and that's why she decided to give up? If so, does that mean that Jun will not go through the test of Hasebe being related to him? And what does that mean for how the disappearances work?

First we all thought that Hasebe was disappearing and that when she was gone the world changed to fit the new reality and new Hasebe. Why? because Jun was our point of reference. Jun never changed, but did he really never change? What about his family? Hanamori might have had her whole family change or at the very least gained a twin brother. Hasebe definitely has different families and has a twin sister.

TLTR: My thoughts are a little scattered but my questions are basically: Does the fact Hanamori mentioned her love interest is her twin brother mean that Jun will not go trough something similar? While also indicating the author is curious about how love would overcome being siblings but is not willing to explore it in this work? Lastly, is Jun the one disappearing while leaving heartbroken Hasebes behind?


"We chase memories that have long since passed us.

Hoping, that when caught,

They'll accept us and we can erase the wear we've gained chasing them."

- Amaterasu93



    Potato Sprout

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Yup, it's implied that Hanamori pursued her love interest through different worlds, and that in her recent iterations of the world, her love has become her twin brother. She had given up on that love and TRIED to move on to Kouno, because his love for Hasebe was so pure. 


What's a mind twister is that Kouno "changed worlds" (from "older Hasebe, wife of a laundry shop owner" world to "guy Hasebe" world) yet the relationship between Hanamori and her lover appears to be the same (something forbidden enough for her to try and stop loving all together)? It is worth noting that Hanamori does not remember "older laundry wife Hasebe" in this world though. 


The point in the newest chapter (11) is that it's not Hasebe that disappears, it's Kouno that disappears every time Hasebe reciprocates her/his love for Kouno. Kouno is teleported to a different world every time, with a different Hasebe-- NOT the other way around. So Hasebe is the one who falls in love and REMEMBERS him in every world, but loses Kouno every single time Hasebe reciprocates. The sadistic part is that Hasebe-kun remembers, aka EVERY RENDITION OF HASEBE REMEMBERS KOUNO AFTER HE HAS THEM FALL IN LOVE WITH HIM. They just can't ever be together.


Basically-- there is only ONE Kouno in the entire multitude of universes. And there is a Hasebe in every universe. So Kouno is going to go on and love every single rendition of Hasebe into infinity, until he dies. (Keep in mind that Kouno IS aging in a continuous fashion). So the last Hasebe to ever exist is going to exist in the world where Kouno finally dies; finally completing his mission to "love every Hasebe". 


(EDIT: Actually no, let me restate that. There is a Kouno for every universe-- (cause how else would people around him KNOW him every single time unless he had existed in that world all his life?) except MAIN CHARACTER KOUNO'S memories gets inserted into that Kouno's body whenever he disappears away from Hasebe's love into another world. But yeah, in theory, there are Kouno's in every world until MC Kouno's memories are added, then whatever Kouno is in that universe ceases to exist after Hasebe reciprocates. His memories/soul or whatever fly into the next Kouno, who has aged just as he has.) 


Chapter 11 was sloppy though, written pretty off the wall. It's no wonder why the author put this series on hiatus. 


I personally wish he'd fall in love with Hanamori, at the very end of his life-- just for ironic effect. But that would basically invalidate the whole story and be the biggest BS ending ever, haha. 

Edited by randombore, 19 February 2017 - 05:07 AM.



    Potato Sprout

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I personally wish he'd fall in love with Hanamori, at the very end of his life-- just for ironic effect. But that would basically invalidate the whole story and be the biggest BS ending ever, haha. 


Kind of like another certain manga I like...

Looks at Aku no Hana



    Potato Sprout

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Kind of like another certain manga I like...

Looks at Aku no Hana

Oh god-- Looks like I have to look into it, haha.


On another note I guess with the newest chapter, I'm going to have to toss a few of my theories from my last post away. Since it does seem like (?) this was the first time Kouno disappeared and now Hasabe has to be the one pursuing Kouno. I'd still enjoy it if every Hasabe in every world has actually had to remember Kouno disappearing each time though. Just cause it'd definitely be more awful for the characters yet more interesting narrative wise (plus it tests not only Kouno's love but Hasebe's).