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Primary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Secondary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Squares Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles

Ch. 31 -- Confusing?

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    Potato Spud

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Why did the author write this chapter in the middle of the run, when it could have been at the very end?

"It is not because things are difficult that we do not dare; it is because we do not dare that they are difficult." Seneca the Younger



    Potato Sprout

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I think the author was just trolling, at the end the nameplate says "nishikata".



    Potato Sprout

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im more confused on why did she say "only if" and sad face, so confused, who was the person then????



    Potato Sprout

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im more confused on why did she say "only if" and sad face, so confused, who was the person then????

 Pay closer attention and you'll notice that the doorbell rings and then her daughter asks "Is that daddy?" She never overtly denies that daddy isn't in the picture, the daughter just couldn't pick him out. I think it's pretty obvious that Takagi and Nishikata are married here if you keep note of how similar her teasing of their daughter is to how she teases Nishikata.



    Potato Sprout

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Why did the author write this chapter in the middle of the run, when it could have been at the very end?


Everyone knew that they were going to end up together and I kind of prefer how the author decided to deal with it. I don't think it spoiled anything, nonetheless I'm still very eager to see how their relationship develops and how they end up getting to the point at chapter 31. :)



    Potato Spud

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 Pay closer attention and you'll notice that the doorbell rings and then her daughter asks "Is that daddy?" She never overtly denies that daddy isn't in the picture, the daughter just couldn't pick him out. I think it's pretty obvious that Takagi and Nishikata are married here if you keep note of how similar her teasing of their daughter is to how she teases Nishikata.

Well the Doorbell ring could be interpreted as "She wishes it was him, but knows it's not because she knows when he will be home."


That and the fact that her daughter looks A LOT like Nishikata.



    Potato Sprout

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From what I heard, the reason the author put this in the middle of the run was because this was the last chapter for the magazine it was in before changing to a different one



    Potato Spud

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From what I heard, the reason the author put this in the middle of the run was because this was the last chapter for the magazine it was in before changing to a different one

Ah!  Thanks, RulteNing.  Very helpful.  Awesome first post btw

"It is not because things are difficult that we do not dare; it is because we do not dare that they are difficult." Seneca the Younger



    Potato Sprout

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I read the raw, and I think I got it: the author was 'teasing' us readers. Take a look at where Takagi (Mrs. Nishikata in this case) was looking at in the 2nd last panel on the last page, yes she was looking at us readers, i.e. breaking the 4th wall here.. it's a little bit clearer on the raw because there are some notes left by the mangaka on the right side that basically says "how does it feel to be teased?" (”からかい”のお味はいかがでしたでしょうか?)(cmiiw) 



    Potato Spud

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They are a couple already. The only thing is, she knows it, but he hasn't figured it out yet. I think the point of this series is for him to slowly figure it out. He is mistaking being in love with her as wanting to tease her back. If she stopped teasing him, he would probably die of a broken heart. Her very existence is everything to him now. They are the very definition of soul mates. I agree that her "if only" remark was after the doorbell rang. When he is away even if it is just for work, she misses him. The author seems to have written these two with missing parts to their personalities. Though when they are together, they compliment what the others needs are. In the most recent chapter 44. Takagi didn't tease him, and he knew something was wrong. He even forgot about his attempted revenge. He worried about her the whole time, until he talked with her. The one thing about this book is that there is no need for a love triangle. No one could come between them. If anything, all it would take would be the threat of her family moving to another city for him to finally realize how much he loves her.