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unpopular guy x popular girl

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    Potato Spud

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Now I know obviously there are a lot of this, but I'm looking for specific ones. I want ones where basically the girl likes the guy & date, but either keeps it a secret or outright denies it when brought up by others. Maybe the unpopular guy is nerdy. Maybe that causes misunderstandings in their relationship and that hurts the guy, but she does love him. Also, if any have a popular boy competing for her in a love triangle then that would be great. It would cause conflict and misunderstandings between the unpopular guy and popular girl.



    Potato Spud

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Now I know obviously there are a lot of this, but I'm looking for specific ones. I want ones where basically the girl likes the guy & date, but either keeps it a secret or outright denies it when brought up by others. Maybe the unpopular guy is nerdy. Maybe that causes misunderstandings in their relationship and that hurts the guy, but she does love him. Also, if any have a popular boy competing for her in a love triangle then that would be great. It would cause conflict and misunderstandings between the unpopular guy and popular girl.


You probably want to look for "School Rumble" for that


I forgot about unpopular male and popular girl since there is so many manga and hentai with a setting like that, but if you want the reverse setting (unpopular girl and popular boy) with the boy fall first (but outright deny it himself and got friendzoned by the girl), i recommend you "Last Game"

Edited by Hazery, 31 January 2017 - 09:34 AM.



    Potato Sprout

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There is also Iris Zero where it's kind of a an unpopular guy (hated by everyone else) running with his policy of minimum exposure. Then a popular girl suddenly asks him to go out.

Don't know if it fits well your desires though