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Did everyone in the town die?

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    Baked Potato

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After rescuing the people from the slavery fort and then fighting with each other over who did the most and who was strongest and destroying the town, did they kill a whole bunch of people?


Reading the novel or the comic, I just see no mention of people dying, or surviving, almost like the town was empty.  Almost like the inn was empty too aside from the MC. Innkeeper, other patrons of the inn, no mention of them, don't seem to go with to the next town.



    Potato Sprout

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After rescuing the people from the slavery fort and then fighting with each other over who did the most and who was strongest and destroying the town, did they kill a whole bunch of people?


Reading the novel or the comic, I just see no mention of people dying, or surviving, almost like the town was empty.  Almost like the inn was empty too aside from the MC. Innkeeper, other patrons of the inn, no mention of them, don't seem to go with to the next town.

Yeah it's never explained. The Inn was supposed to be full and there were apparently a bunch of people at the guild but it's not mentioned after that. I think that only the buildings were damaged and nobody was killed because plot armor.

Edited by Optiso, 04 November 2016 - 11:27 PM.



    Potato Sprout

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they died that's my guess even if some of them survived the place was on the border of the world kinda like nightmare mode so if you're no an op mc the survival is practical null



    Potato Sprout

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they died that's my guess even if some of them survived the place was on the border of the world kinda like nightmare mode so if you're no an op mc the survival is practical null

 Mio's and Tomoe's fight did not cause any DIRECT casualties - no died as collateral damage from the fight.  However, some may have died of starvation, monsters, environmental factors, etc.  It's really glossed over because the only redeemable characters traveled with Makoto to Tsige.  The rest of the people in town were assholes no one cared about so the were never seen in story again.



    Potato Sprout

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Pretty sure a bunch of people died, but looks like the MC doesn't care about that so the author didn't care to say it



    Potato Sprout

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They all died, some probably ran away when they saw the destruction coming closer to them. Makoto just doesn't care enough to make a big enough deal out of it aside from a brief punishment to his two aides.



    Baked Potato

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You can't say the MC didn't care, he gave them express directions not to kill anyone in the slave camp, and doesn't want people killed in general if it can be helped. And surely random people in the town wouldn't be as bad as known slavers, not to mention a whole town dying is alot more death then a camp, much less instructions of zero deaths. Also, the people brought with would surely express some horror of mass death around them, even if MC and company don't, but they didn't.


Plus, surely people in the Inn would have survived and there had to be at least one other person, like say the Innkeeper/receptionist, who wouldn't just walk away and leave everything unattended for thieves to take and no one to sell to customers.


So I can't help but see this as a humongous plot hole.

Edited by truepurple, 19 July 2017 - 09:37 PM.



    Potato Sprout

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Sort of spoilerish but later on its revealed that makoto doesn't care for anyone outside his direct subordination like the orc and dwarfs he developed a sort of prejudice against humans from all the hate received from them.



    Baked Potato

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Sort of spoilerish but later on its revealed that makoto doesn't care for anyone outside his direct subordination like the orc and dwarfs he developed a sort of prejudice against humans from all the hate received from them.


I read pretty far into the novel and recent released ch25 confirmed this too, you are simply wrong. He doesn't want people to die. Not even real evil assholes. This IS a major plot hole with the city destruction thing. If the story wanted to say he was ok with people dying, it would reference it somewhere, but it doesn't.

Edited by truepurple, 19 September 2017 - 03:05 AM.