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[RPG] Rise of the Goblin Nation

re:monster character posts role-play mature

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Malevolent Reverie

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Her blow rang true as the escaping arachnid let out a loud screech before its abdomen got crushed by the blow of Dar's mighty hammer. Was it her own hidden power or the fact that Akta had awakened something in her, she could see a large dark mist of devoured souls emanate out of the carcass. She instinctively tried to feel the swirling mass & commune with it. She could feel a sort of connection with it, something like the magic of the potion earlier but different all the same.


As she got into a temporary bout of drowsiness she felt something change within her, she started to felt constricted by her armor suddenly so she took it off. She could feel a new found energy within her but she was still wobbly from the commune. She sat besides the dead hunter and took some time to steady herself passing into a short nap.


Moments later when she woke, she was surprised by the changes. It was nothing like the changes that she had felt on her second day of birth. Her frame had broadened & grown at the same time. Her hair were even longer now & her bosom was certainly larger than Mocharr & probably Akta too. Her muscles became more defined than before & her hammer felt certainly lighter in her hand now. But for starters she had to find new clothes, her old armor was unusable seeing her spurt of growth. She took out her skinning knife to cut the breeches along the sides to enable her to move & then she proceeded further in search of her reason to be here. The Black Cohoosh had to be here somewhere.



The Illuminati

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Warlock Dar: Secret Lair of the Spider King III
With her transformation complete and her new ability to sense and commune with great sources of power, Dar closed her eyes and slowly began to sense the presence of the embereyes that were nearby. The herbs radiated a warmth that she couldn't detect as a goblin but could now feel as a warlock. Before she got too carried away with her new found power however, she first made quick work of the giant spider and their immediate surroundings, searching for anything valuable she could use.

- 1x Outlaw Coat (Medium Armor)
- 1x Outlaw Pants (Medium Armor)
- 2x Outlaw Boots (Medium Armor)

- 14x Cured Leather Squares
- 7x Spools of Wool Thread
- 1x Bolt of Wool
- 50x Iron Ores

- 3x Full Venom Sacs
- 5x Hairy Spider Legs

Now that Dar was about the size of a human, the clothes that she found lying around would serve well as reasonable substitutes for her now too-small armor. Of course they were a step down in quality from what Mocharr had created, but would more than serve as protection for Dar's modesty. With her items collected and secured, Dar made her way through the dilapidated village towards the rare, glowing herbs and collected the 5x seeds she needed. The black cohosh roots were scattered around the forest, so those would have to wait until she made her way down to the beach to find the magical, wand-making logs.

Quest Loot
- 5x Embereye Seeds

Goblin Rend: In a Forest, Dark and Deep III
"Eh heh heh heh," the abomination laughed for the final time. "Twice you have rejected my love -- there won't be a third time!"

Boss Encounter
Abomination of the Void: 12/12 HP, 6 DMG

Rend: 6 HP, 4 DMG

Mudpie: 3 HP, 1 DMG
Vomit: 3 HP, 1 DMG

Edited by The Illuminati, 17 July 2017 - 04:03 PM.

“It's all about Power."
"Grabbing it. Keeping it. Using It."
"Power is our currency, our DNA... Our God.”
"We control the World."
"We provide the blueprint. And we give the Instructions."



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After all it's babbling, it seemed like the abomination was finally ready to do battle and despite how stupid it was, it turned quite serious. This wasn't going to be easy, which she already knew it wouldn't be. No matter how stupid one may be, sometimes the strong just so happen to be quite dumb. Speaking of dumb, Vomit and Mudpie, having believed her torrent of lies, faced the monster with serious expressions fully intent on winning and surviving.


Sadly, that just not in the cards for them, given their opponent, but it wont be in vain. While the abomination wasn't entirely focused on her hands, she slipped them each a glob of glittering goop, which she received from an earlier fight. The idea was that when they charged in to attack simultaneously, one would attack seriously while the other one would feint an attack and instead toss the goop into the abomination's eyes. Given the size of the abomination and themselves, they'll need to cease it's movements, however, to even attempt that, they'll need to block out its vision.


And while they did that and played their parts as shields, Rend would take advantage of their efforts and take care of the movement portion of the plan and go after the legs. As the abomination's focus was on the two minion's standing in front, Rend, who was standing behind them, took out 2 of the small venom sacs, another items taken from the fae light battle, gently piercing them open with her sharp nails and spread the venom along her dual short blades.


Honestly, she wasn't sure if the venom would effect such a monster but it doesn't hurt to try. Putting their plan into action,Vomit and Mudpie charged in while Rend lingered behind them, waiting for her own chance to strike.




Edited by I-Am-X, 19 July 2017 - 05:41 PM.


The Epic Of X:


Malevolent Reverie

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Once she had scoured every nook & cranny of the house that was the lair of the beast& thanked its earlier occupants for hoarding some valuables like clothes that fit her new larger form, she tried and feel her way towards her mission. It was a faint throbbing, a warm, gentle hum that beckoned her forth. She knew it was the stuff she was after but strangely it wasn't in the damp basement. Following the strange mana she found the thicket where the embereyes were.


After harvesting them & placing them in her new bag, she thanked the long dead humans & proceeded to her next search. The wood for the staff that was to be her initiation into the world of magic & wonder. She positioned her hammer to rest on her shoulder as she went about. Still following the valuable lesson she had learned the first day in the forest, 'Stealth meant survival' 


She kept herself near the dense undergrowth that covered the forest floor & sneaked her way through the forest. The quest was important but if she was dead, then so was the quest. She would avoid an unnecessary encounter if she could. Slowly, through the foliage she made her way to the beach, only to be mesmerized when she came near the shore. What lay before her was equally awe-inspiring as it was frightening. The expanse of water that lay before her eyes was a sight she'd remember for the rest of her life, the flow of waves both physical & magical hit her in conjunction. She realised for the first time in her short life, how small she was in the scheme of things.


Dar quit dawdling & started searching for the magic stone that Akta had described. It was the key to the wood that she sought.



The Illuminati

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Goblin Rend: In a Forest, Dark and Deep IV
Bored of the insects still standing before him -- the uncivilized cretins didn't even have the decency to simply drop down to their knees and die once he announced that he was going to kill them, thus saving him the trouble of having to do so himself -- and being the leviathan of destruction that he was, the abomination decided to end things quickly by uprooting and then hurling several, decaying trees at the trio of goblins.

Mudpie was the first to go, thanks to his attention being locked onto the sticky goop that was stuck to his fingers. Because of this, the poor goblin couldn't dodge in time to avoid the massive trunk that came flying at him. Vomit had better luck however, having figured out how to handle the goop and then send it flying into the eye of the abomination. The beast roared in annoyance as it tried to free itself from the goop with its claws. With her target temporarily distracted, Rend went in for a successful attack.

Abomination of the Void: 6/12 HP, 6 DMG

Rend: 6 HP, 4 DMG
+ Poison Blades: +1 DMG

Mudpie: 0/3 HP
Vomit: 3 HP, 1 DMG

Warlock Dar: Riddles and the Golem I
The beach was covered in sand and littered with the bones of massive, ocean-dwelling monsters. And in the middle of all of this was Akta's special tree. As Dar approached and completed the necessary rituals to access it, she heard Akta's voice greeting her in her mind before it asked her three riddles to test her wisdom and intelligence:

1.) I can be found on a mountain, yet you can hold me in your hand or walk over me. I will outlive you. Name me.

2.) Using me, battles are never fought alone. With me, bonds are never broken. Reveal my identity.

3.) Consume me and you will choke, but within me is the key to life and growth. What am I?

“It's all about Power."
"Grabbing it. Keeping it. Using It."
"Power is our currency, our DNA... Our God.”
"We control the World."
"We provide the blueprint. And we give the Instructions."

Malevolent Reverie

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As she went about seeking the ritual stones that eventually revealed the giant tree she was greeted by a familiar voice. It was clear as a whistle & lovely as a song, it was the voice of her new teacher, Akta. In her limited dealings with Akta, Dar was certain that she liked mysteries & exploring the arcane. To her magic was something more than a mere powerful trick, it was an other world. One that Dar was slowly waking up to, the lead up to the tree had been dumbfounding, she crossed the bones of something massive. Whether this all belonged to one creature or many, she won't know unless she searched for skulls but it was certainly a thing that brought perspective.


But this was not the only thing to greet her, her teacher was fond of riddles, they served an easy purpose to separate the curious from the capable. She had seen something in Dar & Dar was confident to make her proud. As the questions were put forth to her, she stressed her mind to find a meaningful answer.


 I can be found on a mountain, yet you can hold me in your hand or walk over me. I will outlive you. Name me.


She wracked her mind to list all the things that could be found on a mountain. They lived in a somewhat hilly area so she made that her reference point. There was grass, rocks, water & animals. Grass was certainly something that can be held or walked over but if you pluck it, it won't outgrow you. All animals can't be held. Water can be found nearby but she wasn't aware if it was available on a mountain. Leaving rocks. Rocks filled all the criteria that the riddle asked for.


She thought for a moment before she said "Rock"


The next one though was tougher,


Using me, battles are never fought alone. With me, bonds are never broken. Reveal my identity.


This was something that needed some thought. We fight with anger but it is not something that is extra, same can be said for bravery & skill. Maybe coordination can be one but it can be easily broken if we are hasty or unsettled, the same for friendship. Dar was thoroughly confused about the answer. What would she do to fight alongside Brix. She was infatuated by the grey one or maybe it was the love for his strength, 'might makes right' this was something that Dar strongly believed. Loyalty to the strongest. Loyalty certainly seemed appropriate as answer. She was under pressure to be right but she wasn't sure. It would suck to come so far & be chosen unworthy. 


She almost mumbled "Loyalty" as her second answer.


As if impressed by her answer, the third one was relatively simple, or maybe it was Dar's naivete.


Consume me and you will choke, but within me is the key to life and growth. What am I?


It seemed simple enough, it wasn't meat or plants as you won't choke simply if you take a small quantity. But this thing wasn't tasty yet held the miracle of life. Dar only knew of one such thing. 'The Earth', not only it gave us trees & vegetables but also grass for the herbivores that we usually hunt. It was the originator of the whole cycle of life.


"Earth!" she said confidently. She hoped that she got all the correct answer but it was in magical voice to judge her.



Edited by Malevolent Reverie, 26 July 2017 - 01:16 AM.



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With a few flicks of the wrist and several rotting trees later, Mudpie was dead but her plan succeeded. Thinking little of the sacrificed goblin, she began considering her next course of action. Obviously, with the last attack, she's not exactly got the element of surprise anymore. Well, at least where the abomination is concerned at least. Unlike Rend, who cares little about the goblins (not at all), Vomit and Mudpie were rather close friends (as close as 2 days gets you) and well, He was preoccupied with getting revenge to make proper notice of Rend. Perfect.


It was there her next course of action was decided. While Vomit went into strike the abomination, Rend followed closely behind his back and the moment Vomit thrusted his weapon at the abomination, Rend used her patent kick to the back to send Vomit's weapon, along with himself, crashing into the monster. Rend then rolled to the right, taking a low stance before releasing a pair of slashes to his mid-section.




Edited by I-Am-X, 25 July 2017 - 11:38 PM.


The Epic Of X:


The Illuminati

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Warlock Dar: Riddles and the Golem II




"Your insight serves you well. I am pleased."


"Yes. Well done. May Wisdom always be by your side," Dar was almost certain she had heard Akta's voice begin to smile more and more as she guessed each answer correctly. "The path to the second stone -- and my blessing -- is now yours."

Just then, a wave of salt and water broke on the sandy shore, splashing Dar with its essence and a wisp of something more powerful that lay just beyond her grasp and understanding. It entered her slowly, strengthening her body and spirit while also revealing the path to the second stone. And just as Rend had discovered the day before, the Stone of Power was actually a golem made of earth, roots, vines and leaves, resting sleepily against the side of a small hill. Once Dar was close enough, the golem slowly stirred from its stupor.

"Mmm?Ah, so you're the mortal sent by our master to face the demon terrorizing this part of the forest. You should just run now," the golem yawned. "We have no hope of succeeding. This is a fool's errand and a suicide mission. The demon will get us all eventually -- it is too powerful. It is better that we just lay down and die now, in our sleep, than risk being captured and tortured by that monstrosity. In fact," the golem suddenly had a thought. "Yes! If we combine our power... Yes, yes! If you come with me now, we can escape this forest together!"


Goblin Rend: In a Forest, Dark and Deep V


Abomination of the Void: 5/12 HP, 6 DMG

Rend: 6 HP, 4 DMG
+ Poison Blades: +1 DMG

Mudpie: 0/3 HP
Vomit: 0/3 HP

Edited by The Illuminati, 04 August 2017 - 03:38 PM.

“It's all about Power."
"Grabbing it. Keeping it. Using It."
"Power is our currency, our DNA... Our God.”
"We control the World."
"We provide the blueprint. And we give the Instructions."

Malevolent Reverie

Malevolent Reverie

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Warlock Dar:


As she heard the mirth in Akta's voice she felt happy to have met the expectations her new teacher had off her. As a gift for her good work she was awarded with a wisp of power. Whatever it was, it was still beyond her understanding but it served to pique her interest into this parallel world of magic even more. She congratulated herself on choosing this path, whatever she had done till now certainly left a pleasant experience with her.


As the hidden power guided her to the next stone, she came upon of a large being of earth & stone. It was a creation of her teacher as he constantly referred to her in his little introduction, but he also highlighted the fact that their next task was certainly more difficult than her last. This challenge would be the one of body as the last had tested her mind. He warned of an unbeatable foe, certainly someone who had put in some fear into an animated being & he advised her to join forces with her to escape this place.


But Dar was interested in meeting this new foe. She wanted to feel what challenge it presented. She was reminded of her encounter with the King Spider and the momentary rush it all had given her. If she was to follow the path set out by her teacher, she knew that she'd be tested on every checkpoint. This was certainly the next one, with a confident tone to her voice she replied calmly to the Golem, " I have come here to face the fear rather than shy away from it. If we are to join forces, I request you to aide me to overcome this terror that haunts these woods rather than trying to run away from it. Teacher certainly would want that."



The Illuminati

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Warlock Dar: Riddles and the Golem III


"Teacher," the golem said sarcastically. "She has thrown us to the wolves! We are unprepared for this challenge and will only end up as fresh meat to be devoured by our enemy. It isn't right that she ask us to do this. This creature is unlike anything you have ever faced before. It will prowl your dreams and stalk your nightmares, devouring you slowly from within as it saps your strength and will. Please, I beg you, we must escape while we can -- before it is too late!"

Edited by The Illuminati, 08 August 2017 - 12:00 PM.

“It's all about Power."
"Grabbing it. Keeping it. Using It."
"Power is our currency, our DNA... Our God.”
"We control the World."
"We provide the blueprint. And we give the Instructions."



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The move worked out just as she planned it would, Vomit is out of the way and the abomination is running on his last legs. It would've been troublesome without distractions like Vomit and Mudpie, Goblins sure were handy in times like these. Without further ado, Rend charged at the weakened monster before tossing one of her blades him and while his attention was on the blade she tossed, she started hacking away at his legs, like she was a lumberjack cutting down a giant tree.


Once his legs gave way, she climbed him like a tree, placing both of her hands on the hilt of her blade, thrusted the blade repeatedly between the monsters shoulder blades with the hope of severing its spinal column to where she'd then use her claws to tear at his face. Throughout this process, she started wondering how a being would taste if she ate them alive. Well, only one way to find out, huh?






The Epic Of X:


The Illuminati

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Goblin Rend: In a Forest, Dark and Deep V


"Wait, don't do this," the abomination yelled. "You don't need to do this. I didn't mean it, please! Please, please have mercy -- I beg you! Its not too late, we can work this out. I-it was never my intention to be your enemy! It was her. Yes, she pit us against each other like this. She's the real monster here, not me. A-and, really? It was such a long time ago now that I pissed you off -- water under the bridge! How about we leave the past in the past, and forget about this little... misunderstanding. What do you say? Together, we can overthrow her and take her power for ourselves. Think about, friend. We're the same, you and I. Yes?"

Abomination of the Void: 1/12 HP

Rend: 6 HP, 4 DMG
+ Poison Blades: +1 DMG

Mudpie: 0/3 HP
Vomit: 0/3 HP

Edited by The Illuminati, 10 August 2017 - 01:02 PM.

“It's all about Power."
"Grabbing it. Keeping it. Using It."
"Power is our currency, our DNA... Our God.”
"We control the World."
"We provide the blueprint. And we give the Instructions."

Malevolent Reverie

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Warlock Dar


"My mind is already made up, I wanna stay and see this creature for myself. If teacher found it right for me to face it then so be it. Now quite babbling and stand tall, we either live to tell a wonderful tale or die making one." Dar said with a resolute smile as she shifted the hammer on her shoulder. She was itching to face this new opponent, she was hyped to see an existence as terrifying as the Golem had described. She just hoped that her wait would fetch something worthwhile.

The Illuminati

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Warlock Dar: Riddles and the Golem IV
Visibly disappointed by Dar's answer, the golem could only hang his head in defeat as he whispered to himself, "The brave are always the first to die." With the decision made and their final words spoken, the two set off on their journey -- one the golem was sure neither of them would return from alive.

On and on they went until they finally arrived in a part of the forest that was truly a wonder to behold. The trees consisted of candies and sugary sweets, while the rivers and ponds were made of a tasty, green liquid with assorted fruits and other delights floating inside. Above them, the sky was a bright pink and the clouds were yellow and delicious.

"Oh no," the golem cried suddenly and helplessly. "He has us! He's trapped us in his web of dreams and nightmares. Oh, why didn't you listen to me when there was still hope. Now we're doomed!" A wicked laughter echoed across the forest just then, as if to deepen the golem's fears and doubt.

"And who has entered into my lair? Is it another spider perhaps, or something more delicious and rare? Come now children, step forward and let me see your faces. There's no need to hide from your dear uncle D'Alaces." As he spoke, the trees parted and revealed the architect of this dream, a demon of lust and desire. "Tell me your wishes and give me your love. And I will make all of your dreams come true. This I swear."

Edited by The Illuminati, 17 August 2017 - 06:29 PM.

“It's all about Power."
"Grabbing it. Keeping it. Using It."
"Power is our currency, our DNA... Our God.”
"We control the World."
"We provide the blueprint. And we give the Instructions."

Malevolent Reverie

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Warlock Dar


The golem seemed to say something before they eventually got moving. Dar felt that either she was being too foolish or the golem was strangely a scared entity, an anomaly considering how powerful Akta seemed. 


As they went into the forest; filed with assortments & delicious delicacies, Dar was confounded by the whole projection made by the golem. By what she had been through to get the Embereyes, this situation seemed strangely tame until the chief architect showed up.


Despite his smooth words he oozed malevolence or maybe that was just Dar's rationality acting up. Something didn't add up, Dar was certainly not wise in the ways of the world but even she could tell something was amiss in the situation. As he prompted her to speak about her desires, Dar decided that it wasn't necessary to be hostile until she had a hint of the intentions that the strange, barely clad entity had. 


"I want to learn the magic of perpetual combat. Of self repair & healing so that I can enjoy battles to my heart's content. Could you grant this, uncle?" she repeated in her innocent voice. She wasn't cunning to make multiple ploys and see them through but she was intelligent enough to discern whether she could try & figure out his motives. There was always the way of duking it out. It had worked for her till now, she hoped that she can turn a new page to not resort to her modus operandi.

The Illuminati

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Warlock Dar: Riddles and the Golem V


"Ah," the demon sang as he crossed his legs and pointed his jagged tail accusingly at Dar. "So you wish to learn the dance of blood? Blood is everything. Blood feeds and blood nourishes. Blood can twist minds, and in blood deals are made. There is power in blood, the power of life and death. And with great power, comes an even greater price. How many souls are you willing to... trade for my services? Just a few people from your village will do nicely. A smile price to pay to learn the dance of blood, wouldn't you say?"

Edited by The Illuminati, 22 August 2017 - 01:52 PM.

“It's all about Power."
"Grabbing it. Keeping it. Using It."
"Power is our currency, our DNA... Our God.”
"We control the World."
"We provide the blueprint. And we give the Instructions."



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As the thing began his pleading, Rend said nothing. Though, she did take a break from her hacking and slashing. At this action, it would be no surprise at what he thought was going on, predictably assuming she stopped to actually listen to him and that his words could actually change what fate had in store for him. It was clear for all to see, well, let's just say the gods since no one else in the vicinity was remotely alive to see it, for the reaction in his eyes and on his face said it all.


At this, a cruel, blood curdling smile arose on Rend's face that caused the abomination's heart to sink in his chest. She was clearly enjoying his suffering and his little delusion he was under, she found it quite amusing. Even if his words were true, Rend didn't care what Akta intended or not. She was in it for the knowledge and power, not to be best friends or a master-student thing with her. This little insect honestly believed she would heed his words or that she was some kind of idiot or both. However, the moment uttered that last sentence, the look in her eyes changed and it didn't take long for him to notice the change.


'We're the same, you and I'


The disgusting little maggot actually had the gaul to say that she was anything like him. The look on her face now was nothing compared to the one that was on her face a moment ago. The abomination clearly could see his fate in her eyes, he wanted to break free but couldn't. After an eery silence, Rend broke it by uttering one word in her cruelest tone yet, "Trash". Normally calm and collected, she was overcame by an intense feeling of disgust of being compared to such a lowly being such as himself. She considered clawing out his throat so he wouldn't speak anymore, but then she wouldn't be able to hear him scream anymore.


Rend also considered gouging out his eyes, for the sake of having him overcome with the fear of not knowing what was being done to him but decided against it because it'd be like going easy on him. Instead, she thought the best punishment would be to eat him alive while he was watching it being done to him. Rend didn't want to waste anymore of her loot to keep his eyes open for it so she just decided to rip his eyelids right off. She had to be careful, though, she didn't want to damage the eyes and damage his vision, nice and slow!


Once that was done, Rend proceeded to eat him alive. After it was all said and done, she seriously started thinking even goblins tasted better that pile of shit. Not even it's blood could wash the taste out of her mouth. Yuck! Throughout this whole process, one would have to wonder if the thought crossed the abomination's mind whether Rend was the true monster here, that he was simply a big fish and a small pond in comparison. Well, not like he had much time for thought anyways....




Edited by I-Am-X, 03 September 2017 - 06:20 PM.


The Epic Of X:


Malevolent Reverie

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Warlock Dar


"Hmm...an interesting proposition but I'm running an errand for my teacher. If you'd be so kind to point me to the Elder tree, I'll make sure that I can get you the souls that you desire next time I visit as a tutor fee." Dar said after some thought. The prospect of learning from a being that seemed magical appealed to Dar but Akta seemed stronger & more knowledgeable somehow. If she'd have to choose she'll pick her over this weird uncle merely because of her proximity in the village. But it was not in her nature to discount an opportunity when it arose. She wasn't the sharpest knife in the cabinet but she wasn't dumb either.


Now all depended on how this entity responded to her counter-proposition.

The Illuminati

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Kitsurend: Rebirth


Rend's fangs and razor-sharp claws dripped with the stinking, black blood of the abomination but there was more to the act than her just devouring the rotting essence of a dead creature. Demons you see, unlike the beings of this world, were made almost entirely of magic. And as Rend ingested every bit and scrap she could find of the foul abomination while it's screams of agony sang sweetly in her ears, it's magic slowly infused itself within her being, becoming part of her. Her blood now hummed with newfound strength and power as ancient and forgotten secrets whispered in her ear. She also saw visions of another world, a passed life that had once been her own...

When it was all said and done, time had clearly passed but how much Rend couldn't know for sure. She was only certain of the memories of a time not long passed and the feeling of fire buring her body as it washed away all of the goblin impurities from her body and soul. She was remade, and reborn. Stronger, taller and even more cunning than she had been before. A long, slender tail suddenly came into view, carressing her cheek gently as if to alert her to it's presence as well. It was a single tail, like that of a fox, that had somehow attached itself to her naked form. Her mind whispered to her that one day there would be nine in total. And on that day... the large, fox-like ears on top of her head twisted, hearing new sounds within the silent, dead forest. Her nose tasted new smells as well, and one that was all too familiar by now.


Turning her head towards the smell, Rend's eyes narrowed as she peered into the endless shadows, seeing nothing at first, but then she saw her, Akta, her mentor, standing within the inky blackness of the dying day. How long had she been there? Other such questions slowly filled her mind but Akta didn't give her a chance to ask any of them as she left the shadows to stand next to Rend. Without sharing words, the golem that had been Rend's guide formed itself into a sort of throne for Akta to sit in. Crossing her legs as she sat, Akta didn't congratulate Rend on her rank-up or on seemingly completing her task successfully. No, there was no happiness in her cold eyes or praise in her icy voice. Just a single statement and question. "Simple killing," she spoke softly. "Is a warrior's job. So tell me, you who would become a mage, why did I give you this task?"

Darork: Riddles and the Golem VI

"Elder tree?! We were sent here to kill this monster," the golem whined, confused. "But instead of that, you're here trying to have tea and bisquets with the demon? Have you completely lost your mind! Attack it now, kill it!"

Edited by The Illuminati, 01 September 2017 - 05:58 PM.

“It's all about Power."
"Grabbing it. Keeping it. Using It."
"Power is our currency, our DNA... Our God.”
"We control the World."
"We provide the blueprint. And we give the Instructions."



    Mashed Potato

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Since she was too preoccupied with enjoying the abomination's agony, Rend didn't notice the influx of magical energy flow into her until moments after finishing the cretin. While his taste was indeed disgusting, she approved of the power gained from taking him in. It was a power that was definitely wasted on a pile of dirt like him, something that she will no doubt properly put to better use. Though, the influx of power wasn't the end of this little event, far from it, what came next was a barrage of images, visions from another world that felt familiar yet not. Visions.....or more accurately, memories, ones that without a doubt belonged to her. When it was all over, time had move forward.


How much of it passed by, she wasn't certain of but what she knew for certain was of the memories from another time and the burning sensation of the fire that set her body alight and cleansed it of goblin impurities. Finally, she was free of the confines of a goblin existence. Rend knew it was only a matter of time but she was quite pleased it came much sooner than expected. She was reborn and a whole different species, a form that was by far more acceptable than her previous one. Stronger, Taller, Wiser....It was a worthy body and one she was quite pleased with, though, a voice in her mind whispered that one day, she'll have 9 tails in total, when she reaches her true form.


And along with the changes of her body, came changes of her senses. Stronger.....sharper, she was capable of hearing all sorts of new sounds and smells, ones that would no doubt continue to improve as her body continues to change. As such, within this silent, dead forest, she picked up on a scent that was all too familiar. Turning her head towards the direction of the smell, she was met with Akta's form. Given the type of creature Akta was, it wasn't a surprise that there was no congratulations or any signs of emotion. Rend preferred it that way because killing something that weak is nothing to feel proud about and there's no way she'd be able to respect anyone that would impressed by the killing of that trash.


But with Akta's appearance came another test, that of the purpose of this little farce. A lot of things came to mind but what was prominent was what happened as she was erasing that insect, how it's magic flowed right into her. There's no way she'd be given a task like this if it wasn't related to magic in anyway. For a better understanding of what magic was? The role it has in this world? About beings made almost entirely of magic? It's capabilities? How easily its form can change as well as how it effect others? Rend recalled what Akta said before about Power and desire and whether or not we'll be willing to sacrifice everything to obtain what one desires. There was also the bit about magic capability and whether it'll reject her or not.


"Hmm, well it definitely wasn't keeping that thing company in it's dying moments, that's for sure." She snickered before getting serious and continuing, "To test my resolve? My willingness to sacrifice everything to obtain what I desire? Whether I can use or take in magic?" Because let's be honest, simply mauling and devouring that thing had nothing to do with being a mage. Anyone could do that. By devouring that demon, a being made almost entirely of magic, having some sort of affinity towards magic, she was able to take in/absorb it's magic and make it her own. And if she wasn't able to use or take in magic, not only would she not be allowed to return to Akta but also wouldn't have ranked-up as it would mean magic had rejected her.


But she could be wrong, but considering it was a demon she was up against, a weak one at that, she figured she wasn't far off the mark.





The Epic Of X:
