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Need help remembering the name of a series!

RomanceComplete Shounen

Best Answer sjoe, 21 July 2016 - 02:52 AM

The manga you're talking about is the excellent Itoshi no Karin. I'm unable to identify that reaction pic, though. Go to the full post »

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    Potato Sprout

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I remember reading a series a while ago but can't recall the title! Thankfully I remember a couple good details about it to help out any detectives. It was a short romance series of 20 chapters about a guy who works as a gardener for a theme/amusement park. He has a crush on the girl who was chosen to play the role of the park's mascot that year, and after a chance encounter on the bus ride home from work they finally start talking. If anyone knows what series I'm referring to, help me out!


By the way, the attached picture is most likely a panel from this series, and I love using it as a reaction/profile pic!

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✓  Best Answer
The manga you're talking about is the excellent Itoshi no Karin. I'm unable to identify that reaction pic, though.



    Potato Spud

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That's right. it would be Itoshi no Karin. But somehow your picture attachment seems like she's nanase from Iris Zero. haha sorry i just wanna ask if the picture really is from itoshi no karin...



    Potato Sprout

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You're both absolutely correct. The picture is from Iris Zero, and the series is indeed Itoshi no Karin! Thanks for the help gentlemen

Since I'm new to the forums, how do you mark a thread as answered?

Edited by ForceofaDragon4, 21 July 2016 - 05:26 PM.



    Potato Spud

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You don't have to do that. But it should be somewhere around our replies. Maybe beside quote button