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Is "Speed of sound sonic" and "Flashy flash"(S Class Rank 13) related.

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    Potato Sprout

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While reading the original series for OPM it showed Flashy Flash as someone who takes much pride in his speed just like the Speed of sound sonic. Are they maybe from the same ninja village??



    Potato Sprout

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Unlikely since Shining Flash doesn't appear to be a ninja. Besides most of the S-class heroes have great pride and confidence in the abilities so it's obvious Shining Flash would be arrogant about his speed since he's never met anyone faster (probably). It's not enough to link the two.



    Potato Sprout

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Dude. DUDE. Not enough to link the two? Oh my god, bro, you have NOT been paying attention if that's what you think. Like, okay, based on attitude alone, no, that means nothing, but like, aside from how closely they resemble each other, they have both used the Windblade Kick technique. By name. They also both have redundant names that describe their abilities. Sure, there might not be enough to link them as brothers, although if you go off their appearances in the anime/manga, you'd have to be fooling yourself if you don't see the resemblance, but it's incredibly likely that they at least come from the same village.


And seriously, you can't really say that Lightspeed/Shining/Flashy Flash is not a ninja. We have only really seen him fight once, and he used a sword and the Windblade Kick technique, in addition to being really fast.


Like, you know. Speed of Sound Sonic.

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    Potato Sprout

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If they are from the same village, the name of the village is probably Ninja. Or something English, like Assassin. Or Townsville.



    Potato Spud

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The village is probably "Secret - the Hidden Village"