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What's up?

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    Potato Sprout

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I've only ever liked comments, this being my first post.
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Are there a lot of bots or what's up?


I've only ever read manga on this site, so I'm just gauging this forum. And wondering if there is some kind of problem with bots...


What I really love about Batoto is that there is a simple forum-topic embedded for every manga, and forum-topics for it, it's really excellent.


Too bad chapters are being removed for copyright though...

The end is coming for manga-sites for sure... well, at least it's current state is coming to an end.


Anyways, wrap yourselves up in your space-blankets and keep on reading manga!

Edited by MangaMoo, 12 May 2016 - 09:54 AM.



    Russet Potato

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What's up?  The sky. LOL


If you liked comments, then people probably followed you to your profile to see what's up. See what I did there? I'm awesome! LOL

I'm not saying there aren't bots, since they're probably are, but more than likely your own interests draw others in.


Having topics right in the comics about said comics is a great aspect of this site. It's how I fumbled onto this forum, anyways.


More and more series are being picked up by companies looking to make a quick buck with copyright laws. They get them for almost nothing and make a mint suing people and settling out of court. For some reason, that's become a valid business model these days. It may be morally wrong, but it's a valid legal strategy so the courts won't stop it - they get their cut, too.


You know 'space blankets' are just aluminum foil, right? Not a lot of warmth there. :D


Oh, and welcome to the spud side!


Russet potatoes are the most delicious!



    Lief, Loev, Caek.

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Hi, Caek desu~

I'm here to make Bato.to great again with manhua scanlation! \o/

I'd like to extend ye a hearty welcome to the forums, MangaMoo; while I'm not sold on your bovine nature, I hope to get to know you better. ^.^




    Potato Sprout

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Thank you both for a warm welcome! :)

I really appreciate it.





You know 'space blankets' are just aluminum foil, right? Not a lot of warmth there.

Well, I was more going for the "post-apocalyptic" angle, of not being able to read manga online. :D

At least the one I got from a first-aid kit for my dog is surprisingly insulating.


What's up?  The sky. LOL

Hehe, my brain has a tendency to take expressions like that literally as well :D

So I usually don't use them, but here it was just an appropriate title, as I was really wanting to know what's up. ^^


I'm awesome!

I'm sure you are ^^


I'm not saying there aren't bots, since they're probably are, but more than likely your own interests draw others in.

Hmm... you see, this was my first thought, so I was even having the crazy thought of a conspiracy, where Batoto artifically adds views to draw new users in, and think "hmm, people seem to be interested in me", "hmm, perhaps this is a forum where I can be heard", or something like that.

I don't often think about conspiracy theories, but I'm interested in internet sociology (or-what-should-I-call-it).

And other stuff, like how people percieve web-sites, as I'm a web-developer as a hobby, aside from programming in C++.


And I didn't even think of the use of lawsuits as a way of earning money. I was just seeing a simple pattern of studios or publishers not wanting their manga up for free, and them taking down more and more manga-sites throughout the years. And of course using a bit of hyperboli... and it worked, hehe.

I just googled "lawsuits manga", and there are quite a few interesting reads, so thanks!

I found Square Enix dropping their lawsuit against High Score Girl, which is a really cute manga I've read recently, and I see it has new chapters! That's another thing I like about manga: sometimes you can read a manga just because the characters and manga are so damn cute! ^^



It was just just a random name, really, where I used "manga" as a base, and "Moo" as some kind of cutesy rhymish "word" of "manga".


Hmm... you say you're not convinced of my bovine nature!? -"Moo!"


If not an offer and only a hope ^^, I make my own offer: we might have some casual and nice discussions about manga, the web, the world, outer space or whatever.

edit: oh, but this is an offer for anyone here, of course, just friendly internet discussions/chats.

Just enjoyable, cordial discussions.


edit2: I also want to say that Batoto having forum-topics embedded in the manga pages has helped a great manga get translated: Suicide Island. As the volunteer scanlator got a lot of support in the very visible forum.

So Batoto, just by that tiny feature is providing a surprisingly powerful service.

Edited by MangaMoo, 13 May 2016 - 04:57 PM.