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scanlation group recommendations?

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    Potato Sprout

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it's been about 2 weeks since Akito's scanlation group announced that they would stop scanlating at the end of the 9th volume, does anyone know of scanlation groups that might be interested in covering volume 10 onwards?

if not, which group do you think would do a good job for this series, and why? (experience with the genre? quality of the scans/cleaning/typesetting? translation style? etc..)



    Potato Sprout

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I like deadbeat scans. They seem like they've done a few sports-related manga (although not a lot of ecchi ones, afaik). IMHO their work is very good quality too! :)



    Potato Sprout

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thank you for the recommendation, to be honest I don't know how long I should wait (preferably enough time to give the chosen scanlator group to prepare some chapters in advance.. I don't know how much time that actually takes though) before we try to get people to ask a group for scanlations in their home pages, forum sections, or irc channels, or elsewhere

it seems that at the current pace, volume 9's last chapter will be released at May 3rd, I think we should try to decide on a group on the 26th of this month (7 days from now) or before (of course I'll use your suggestion if no one else has any other suggestions)



    Potato Sprout

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yes, which one will cover vol.10 onwards? i really want to know the next chapter



    Potato Spud

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I'll have the next chapter of Keijo released in a few hours.