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Better web IRC clients

- - - - - IRC

Best Answer Grumpy, 16 April 2016 - 01:47 AM

I kinda figured anyone who was serious about IRC has their own client. So, I'd just go with what's reliable and easiest to use for web clients.

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Manga Reader X

Manga Reader X

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I have some suggestions on better alternatives to the web IRC clients you currently offer and also some quick criticism of the web IRC clients.


Flash needs to die in a fire already, this is a big community website in 2016 and not some GeoCities fansite in 2006, so a Flash based web IRC client doesn't sound like a good idea, both security-wise and preformance-wise. wsIRC is pretty fugly. These can both be replaced with Maid-IRC, which looks beautiful, matches Batoto's blue theme and is open source.

Mibbit looks pretty fugly as well and can be replaced with Kiwi IRC, which looks a lot better and is open source.

Edited by Manga Reader X, 09 April 2016 - 03:14 PM.



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Never heard of maid (I'll test it out for a couple days) but Kiwi I know for sure has a ton of issues. Mibbit may be fugly, but at least it's (mostly) reliable.

Taking a second look at Maid, it's not even intended for in-browser use. It's a desktop IRC client built using node.js.

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✓  Best Answer

I kinda figured anyone who was serious about IRC has their own client. So, I'd just go with what's reliable and easiest to use for web clients.

Manga Reader X

Manga Reader X

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Never heard of maid (I'll test it out for a couple days) but Kiwi I know for sure has a ton of issues. Mibbit may be fugly, but at least it's (mostly) reliable.

Taking a second look at Maid, it's not even intended for in-browser use. It's a desktop IRC client built using node.js.


I wasn't aware of that. Except for it not being too obvious that I has been disconnected from an IRC network while using Kiwi IRC I have had no problems using it.



About Maid-IRC:


"its a web irc app
However it could be made into a desktop client
you can self-host it"

-Maid-IRC's developer

Edited by Manga Reader X, 27 April 2016 - 08:44 PM.