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Primary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Secondary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Squares Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles


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    Baked Potato

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Careful what you start here. I remember Chapel Hill/Carrboro being really nice in late October. Awesome, over-the-top Halloween parties too.


Woah how did you figure out where I live (well, I mean I wrote about it a long time ago but you're relatively new here)? Also, I'm definitely psyched for this year's Halloween

Edited by Kannade, 08 October 2013 - 02:40 AM.



    Baked Potato

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No >:[

Make me the tall one \o/ 2nd from the left

Do you like the facial expression or the red skirt with full petticoat?  DP maybe better take the 2nd from the right, if offered--at least the black cape and the scepter are kind of dark.



    Cute Potato

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Do you like the facial expression or the red skirt with full petticoat?  DP maybe better take the 2nd from the right, if offered--at least the black cape and the scepter are kind of dark.

Damnit, I meant second one from the right. I really messed up my left and right? D:
Gotta edit that, before Phil sees it D:
Oh and thank  you \o/

Happy Birthday Nep


Edited by DarkPrince, 08 October 2013 - 02:54 AM.

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    Baked Potato

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Woah how did you figure out where I live (well, I mean I wrote about it a long time ago but you're relatively new here)? Also, I'm definitely psyched for this year's Halloween

You talked about weirdness visiting a Pride parade at a rival school: Duke. Then you mentioned going out for food on Franklin St. That clinched it. (Forget what thread, but I was looking through it for something else earlier today.) Best Halloween parties I've ever run across were in the VCU neighborhood of Richmond, Virginia and around Chapel Hill, NC. Have fun!


I lived in Carrboro for five years while I was doing my doctorate in Coker Hall and my wife was doing a neurobiology fellowship and psych. residency at the medical center. So the clues were easy for me to spot. For a time frame: we got hooked on ACC basketball while Michael Jordan was an undergraduate.


I suppose the local carpenters' union doesn't still do the amazing display of carved pumpkins on Chicken Bridge (since they replaced that one-lane span a long time ago). Fantastic what one can do with orange light and some skill with a knife!

Edited by NatureBoy, 08 October 2013 - 02:59 AM.



    Baked Potato

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My god, it's a small world after all.



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And people thought Allure changes usernames often...




    Baked Potato

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My god, it's a small world after all.

Ah! One of the underappreciated problems of aging is "song fragment buildup"! You just triggered one of mine. It's been stuck there since visiting Disney World as a freshman with the lightweight crew of my alma mater. (We did mid-winter training in Winter Park, Florida.)  Please have it back.



With somebody claiming at least 12,000 Batotonians some months back, I wasn't too surprised to spot several within a 100 km of my present location. Of course the number people presently active on the forums is much smaller than 12K, so yeah kind of coincidence for us both to have lived in/near the same university town.


More randomness:

My profile like has the number 74811 in it, but I have no idea what kind of hash table is used to assign that number. Could have little to do with the number of people registered as of mid-September.



And people thought Allure changes usernames often...

What's the limit? 3 times per 120 days?


And what's the point? I looked at Kayley's name history 'cause I was curious about the multiple names phenomenon on Batoto and people were addressing her several different ways. Anyway her sequence of changes sorta' made sense. One can easily change their mind about how private to be and whether to embed something specific in the member name. But why do other people jump from profile to profile?


On a somewhat related subject: If I may be so bold, may I ask You what's the appeal of the ~weekly avi changes that seem popular among more active members of the community? Just curious.



    Baked Potato

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^I change my avatar pretty often too. I always find one that's cooler than the one that I already have.



    Fried Potato

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Meh, I don't see why people change their avis and name as often as they change clothes... >.>


I guess I'll always be the same, intemporal, constant...Eternal. ~.~



    Mashed Potato

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And people thought Allure changes usernames often...

he's been here longer :<



    Baked Potato

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^I change my avatar pretty often too. I always find one that's cooler than the one that I already have.

That makes sense, and if lots of people do that then the average coolness of a page-view on the Batoto forums should increase over time--or at least not go down as fast as particular image styles go out of fashion.


I note that you had 456 posts (non-game, non-p.hell), as of the post to which I'm replying. Eyeballing the correlation between post count and whether the description matched the picture in "What is your avatar from?" under General Discussion, it appeared that member potatoes with close to 500 posts or more were less likely to have a current avi that looked anything like the description. (I didn't do a statistical test on the observation. I wasn't that bored.) Anyway Kannade your current post count is suspiciously close to the threshold for being a serial avi shuffler. In that thread, I opined that maybe there could be a contagious condition on Batoto associated with high post counts. I actually know nothing about the direction of causality in this association. Instead it could be that people who work over time to find better and cooler avatars, or even those who have their enthusiasm frequently refreshed by a new avatar, also tend to be those who come to contribute the most to serious Batoto topics.



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Sigrún Mercy



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Another 3 hours lost to the forums. (No higher in ToG than before supper.) Gotta' get up earlier than usual this morning, so I tonight won't get to watch morning greetings arrive from Europe. Goodnight all, it's been fun.



    Baked Potato

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That makes sense, and if lots of people do that then the average coolness of a page-view on the Batoto forums should increase over time--or at least not go down as fast as particular image styles go out of fashion.


I note that you had 456 posts (non-game, non-p.hell), as of the post to which I'm replying. Eyeballing the correlation between post count and whether the description matched the picture in "What is your avatar from?" under General Discussion, it appeared that member potatoes with close to 500 posts or more were less likely to have a current avi that looked anything like the description. (I didn't do a statistical test on the observation. I wasn't that bored.) Anyway Kannade your current post count is suspiciously close to the threshold for being a serial avi shuffler. In that thread, I opined that maybe there could be a contagious condition on Batoto associated with high post counts. I actually know nothing about the direction of causality in this association. Instead it could be that people who work over time to find better and cooler avatars, or even those who have their enthusiasm frequently refreshed by a new avatar, also tend to be those who come to contribute the most to serious Batoto topics.


Woah very scientific. Most people will change their avatar and then immediately make a post in that "What is your avatar from?" thread, but I do things backwards. So for example I had this avatar for a couple of days, but I waited until I was about to switch my current avatar to explain who that guy was. I don't really know why I don't post where I get my avatars from until I'm ready change to a new one, it's just how I've been doing it this whole time.

Edited by Kannade, 08 October 2013 - 05:15 AM.



    Kraftwerk Potato

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I know you cant help me with this one, but ive searched for a while and found nothing ...
Anyways im searching a manga about a flower doctor for humanoid flowers

I invite everyone reading this to the Batoto discord https://discord.gg/PxAqQGy 





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See ya NatureBoy



    Savage Potato

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What's the limit? 3 times per 120 days?


And what's the point? I looked at Kayley's name history 'cause I was curious about the multiple names phenomenon on Batoto and people were addressing her several different ways. Anyway her sequence of changes sorta' made sense. One can easily change their mind about how private to be and whether to embed something specific in the member name. But why do other people jump from profile to profile?


On a somewhat related subject: If I may be so bold, may I ask You what's the appeal of the ~weekly avi changes that seem popular among more active members of the community? Just curious.

Yeah i'm pretty sure that's the limit,and you can ask a mod to change it again..

What's the point? Well, the option is there so why not use it? It's good if you can't settle on one name or if you enjoy having different names. I guess it's just another way of personalising your account? I don't know, someone who name changes often would probably be able to tell you more lol

Not really sure what you mean by people jumping from profile to profile >.>


Speaking for myself, I like changing avi's often because I get bored of seeing the same one over and over again (maybe if I wasn't an active member it would be different - I only started posting at the beginning of this year and I've been constantly changing avi's this whole time so...) plus, like kannade said, if I see a better one, I'll change to it. And I don't need to worry about being hard to recognise with a different avi as my username is quite distinct lol and I'll never change it .-. Dunno I just like changing avi's, it's almost compulsive haha

Whoa this got long imma just stop now....


he's been here longer :<

Soz you're no longer impressive :/




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Good night, NB ,o/


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It's a conspiracy, maaan D:

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