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Primary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Secondary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Squares Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles


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    Oui Purée

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Cuz you run fast




    Russet Potato

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Drink and then eat Micky Ds



    Crispy Potato

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Only drinking and being in airports or train stations make McD's food edible



People claim religion is false. Only one religion is true, Jehovah Witness is true. They actually show you what is in the Bible not have a single pastor read and probably editing what the Bible is really saying.

Edited by Aurum, 31 December 2017 - 05:54 PM.

PItiful Boar

PItiful Boar

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Jehovah witness has a low christology
Their notions of subordination had been declared heretical in the council of nicea back in the fourth century



    Crispy Potato

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I honestly don't get people who don't have their phone around/don't pick up around the time you're supposed to meet them

Enjoy waiting longer pointlessly then



    Equine non grata

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yay sick christmas \o/
missed on all the christmas eve fun :​|


are there any drunk posts / Rol's nudes / You's catladying pics I should know about? o:


also happy new year and may it be lucky/fruitful/healthy to you all \o

Edited by OMGWTFBBQPONIES, 31 December 2017 - 07:10 PM.




You <3

Whoever decided to delete this was an idiot.

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    Couch Potato

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Kyaaaaaaa, Ponies-chan! Belated merry Christmas and happy new year!

The opinions expressed by this user are solely their own and do not express the views of Batoto and its staff.



    Equine non grata

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its not even christmas yet

All the important stuff happens on christmas eve o:

Roll so bad at easy games

downloaded some crossword app recently and the easiest english crossword sets were like the hardest ones bcs they used some archaic or fancy words to describe distant slightly-synonymous basic words.

do girls in general really find yaoi sexy or are those just the fujoshis?

here it's just fujoshis; why would you want hendsum men to steal other hendsum men you could fantasize about from you? 's a loss-loss scenario, not like with them hawt haremus

How did they do that?! Did the formatting break because of the mod edit feature?

messed up quote + spoiler tags (usually quote open, spoiler open, quote close, spoiler close), likely because of removing or modifying something within the quote and not noticing the wysiwyg editor borking up; happens sometimes in comic comment sections

RPG maker is on my steam cart right now, I've decided to become a game developer like my idol Todd Howard, Phil Fish, Zoë Quinn and Brianna Wu

unnecessarily srs reply: rpgmaker2k3 best one if you actually want to try doing something. to learn all the fun tricks you can do with the default events stuff without lazily copying some script you don't understand. also forget about most graphics and character sprites. other than that, lul.

Oh man, Ponies chose the wrong time to be away...

moving my laptop would likely shorten its display's remaining lifespan too much and using internets on other devices is too annoying to be comfortable so it was supposed to be a nice book-reading and carol-singing break, tho ended up getting sick just before the return home and from the gud stuff only watched a few movies instead .-. now to wait another year till I can has sing some carols ;-;

digressions aside, yup :<

We would go to neogaf

there are some things you just don't joke about

Or I should say oddly specific reaction that I almost never hear

we have a saying here that if you're 300% sure of something you'd "allow for your hand to be cut off" if it wasn't so. sounds kinda srs. then we also have a casualised version of "betting your head" on something that is more like a synonym of "I could swear that [something]" by now and doesn't raise any mental images of one losing their head anymore.

I'm blue


Why doesn't Ikea deliver

dhl now doesn't either
PM check pls~




You <3

Whoever decided to delete this was an idiot.

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    Kraftwerk Potato

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I invite everyone reading this to the Batoto discord https://discord.gg/PxAqQGy 





    Crispy Potato

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Happy New Year to you guys from me too! (:

Good Emperor Late

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happy new years or something


i watched a terribly awesome trainwreck that is Ousama game for a nice start for the year



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    Fried Potato

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Meow. Happy new year and all that jazz.



    Russet Potato

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unnecessarily srs reply: rpgmaker2k3 best one if you actually want to try doing something. to learn all the fun tricks you can do with the default events stuff without lazily copying some script you don't understand. also forget about most graphics and character sprites. other than that, lul.

so is it more noob friendly than MV? 2003 is only 2$ while MV is almost 15$ with all its addons. 


Wait I'm wrong, if you'll get all the DLC you would have to pay 300$. What the hell

same goes for VX, what's with this 40+ DLC that is worth 6-8$. This is worst than EA

Edited by Hoodsome, 01 January 2018 - 06:49 AM.



    Oui Purée

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We also have the saying about cutting your hand/putting it in the fire here




    Crispy Potato

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Idk about the cutting off but we have putting your hand in the fire too

I've had two dinners (and one at 1am) but I'm kinda hungry again



    Oui Purée

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If your last dinner was 9h ago it's normal to be hungry tbh





    Russet Potato

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I have to go to work tomorrow at 6am. Bloody hell



    Oui Purée

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If your last dinner was 9h ago it's normal to be hungry tbh

But there were like 4h of sleep

Although yeah, many awake hours too

Yesterday I've held and used a Wii controler for the first time in my life

The shaking motion really takes a little getting used to




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