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Primary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Secondary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Squares Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles


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    Russet Potato

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They have expansions o:




    Russet Potato

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yep, any other move and greyjoys rape you

and they'll probably rape you anyway if you neighbors don't help

baratheons are really good too, and attacking dragonstone is really hard

not having useless heroes helps too even the 0 is really good


Plus baratheon completely counters the martells



    Russet Potato

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Plus baratheon completely counters the martells

and the tyrels and pretty much everyone

we usually gang up on the baratheons and greyjoys whenever we play

everyone making and betraying alliances is half the fun of that game



    Baked Potato

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*punches wall*



    Baked Potato

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Aoibungaku also did an adaptation of kokoro which sucked but the original story by sozeki had a lot of homoerotic elements between k and sensei
Sozeki was a guy and he was not gay so maybe yaoi is the purest form of love



    Crispy Potato

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Or maybe it isn't



    Fingerling Potato

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~There's a better place for you than to stay awake ♩ ♪ ♫ ♬

"Our pasts may be scattered and at times overshadowed by sadness, but they´re also an irrevocable part of our lives and personalities. Even if I could change a single thing, I wouldn´t, because my past was what led me here."


~You have sung to me in my aloneness, and I of your longings have built a tower in the sky.

-Almustafa, The Prophet by Khalil Gibran




    Crispy Potato

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Prophet needs to stop telling people to die



    Oui Purée

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Nygma noo you blew it
Oh no maybe you didn't
Aw yiss Nygma gon get sum seks




    Fingerling Potato

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Prophet needs to stop telling people to die

I'm not telling people to die. Its a lyrics of a song Im listening right now.. Its about love and sleeping.


Edit: Dude, I'm not emo like that. XD

Edited by Prophet, 06 November 2015 - 03:38 PM.

"Our pasts may be scattered and at times overshadowed by sadness, but they´re also an irrevocable part of our lives and personalities. Even if I could change a single thing, I wouldn´t, because my past was what led me here."


~You have sung to me in my aloneness, and I of your longings have built a tower in the sky.

-Almustafa, The Prophet by Khalil Gibran




    Kraftwerk Potato

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well i stumbled on this again ...

I invite everyone reading this to the Batoto discord https://discord.gg/PxAqQGy 





    Crispy Potato

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I'm not telling people to die. Its a lyrics of a song Im listening right now.. Its about love and sleeping.

Edit: Dude, I'm not emo like that. XD

You will be emo if you stay here long enough



    Oui Purée

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We all do




    Baked Potato

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Or maybe it isn't

it is not fair for women to monopolize everything
At least give us tru wuv



    Crispy Potato

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it is not fair for women to monopolize everything
At least give us tru wuv

You will never get true love from a woman



    Equine non grata

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Polska zaczyna deportować nielegalnych imigrantów z paszportami syryjskimi. Pierwszego odesłano już do ojczyzny, o czym informuje Samer Masri z Fundacji Wolna Syria.
Według Samera imigranci są zastraszani i szantażowani przez strażników granicznych w Polsce. Grozi im się deportacją do ich ojczyzny. Według Masri’ego Polacy nie przedstawiają wszystkich możliwych opcji imigrantom. Brak im wrażliwości kulturowej i kierują się krzywdzącymi stereotypami.

„Facet chciał sprowadzić kogoś z rodziny, dowiedział się, że nie będzie miał takiej możliwości w Macedonii, więc postanowił, że będzie tak długo siedział w zamkniętym ośrodku w Polsce aż go wypuszczą. Po kilku miesiącach stracił nadzieję i wybrał deportację do Syrii. Będzie jeszcze raz próbował przedostać się do Europy, tym razem z rodziną” – napisał Masri na Facebooku.

Przepisy Unii Europejskiej nakazują rejestrację uchodźcy w pierwszym kraju, do którego się dostanie, w praktyce jednak prawo to nie działa i większość państw nie rejestruje uchodźców, tylko przepuszcza ich dalej, do Niemiec. Polscy strażnicy stanowią tu chlubny wyjątek, z całą surowością egzekwując prawo.

Lame translation:
Poland started deporting illegal immigrants with syrian passports. The first one has already been sent back to his homeland, informs Samer Masri from Free Syria Foundation.
According to Samer immigrants are being intimidated and blackmailed by border guards in Poland. They're threatened with deportation back to their homeland. According to Masri Poles do not present all possible options to immigrants. They lack cultural sensitiveness and are acting upon hurtful stereotypes.

"A guy wanted to bring someone from his family here, he found out that there'd be no possibility for that for him in Macedonia so he decided to stay in a closed centre in Poland for as long as necessary until they decide to release him. After a few months he lost all hope and chose being deported back to Syria. He now plans reattempting getting into Europe, this time with his family" - wrote Masri on Facebook.

EU laws dictate that refugees are to be registered in the first country they'll end up in, unfortunately in practice this law isn't enforced and the majority of countries doesn't register their refugees, letting them pass through their country instead, to Germany. Polish guards are an estimable exception, strictly enforcing the law.





You <3

Whoever decided to delete this was an idiot.

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    Oui Purée

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The Merc, haha




    Crispy Potato

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I feel sad, entertained and irritated when I read that

The Merc with a mouth



    Russet Potato

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why irritated?


and the tyrels and pretty much everyone

we usually gang up on the baratheons and greyjoys whenever we play

everyone making and betraying alliances is half the fun of that game


Too often people still have past grudges

and worse is that people would rather not fight at all :(

There are no bars nearby :(



    Russet Potato

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why irritated?



Too often people still have past grudges

and worse is that people would rather not fight at all :(

There are no bars nearby :(

there were some of my friends who started with the "I won't attack anyone so I don't get attacked" ideology too but they learnt better after a while

I didn't mean that we attack them cause we hold grudges, we usually gang up on then cause they are the strongest houses

I luv getting to play as baratheon or greyjoy C: